Satan’s Counter-Attacks Against His Glorious Church Lesson 7: Satan’s Counter-Attacks Against His Glorious Church (Acts 13:4 – 14:28) Paul’s 1st Missionary Journey
The devil’s use of false teachers (13:4-12) Satan’s Counter-Attacks Against His Glorious Church (Acts 13:4 – 14:28) The devil’s use of false teachers (13:4-12) “the false prophet…Elymas” (v. 6) “withstood [kept on standing opposite]” (v. 8) “seeking to turn [thoroughly twist] the proconsul away from the faith” (v. 8) Paul’s response—a false teacher: “is full of all deceit and all fraud” is a “son of the devil” is an “enemy of all righteousness” will “not cease perverting” the ways of Jesus. Satan still uses false teachers (2 Tim. 4:2-4).
The devil’s use of false teachers (13:4-12) Satan’s Counter-Attacks Against His Glorious Church (Acts 13:4 – 14:28) The devil’s use of false teachers (13:4-12) The devil’s use of bad attitudes (13:13-52) Paul & Barnabas preached of God’s promise: To Israel (v. 16-19); To David (v. 20-25) To Abraham (v. 26-37); To all (v. 38-41) “filled with envy” (v. 45), the Jews: Contradicted, blasphemed & opposed (v. 45) Stirred up the city (v. 50) Raised up a persecution (v. 50) Expelled them from the city (v. 50) Satan still uses bad attitudes (Gal. 5:19-20).
The devil’s use of false teachers (13:4-12) Satan’s Counter-Attacks Against His Glorious Church (Acts 13:4 – 14:28) The devil’s use of false teachers (13:4-12) The devil’s use of bad attitudes (13:13-52) The devil’s use of disbelief (14:1-7) While “a great multitude both of the Jews and the Greeks believed,” some of the Jews were “unbelieving” and disruptive “stirred up the Gentiles” (v. 2) “poisoned their minds” (v. 2) made “violent attempt…to abuse and stone them” (v. 5) Satan still uses disbelief (Lk. 8:12; Hb. 3:12).
The devil’s use of false teachers (13:4-12) Satan’s Counter-Attacks Against His Glorious Church (Acts 13:4 – 14:28) The devil’s use of false teachers (13:4-12) The devil’s use of bad attitudes (13:13-52) The devil’s use of disbelief (14:1-7) The devil’s use of pride & personality (14:8-18) Failing to impact Paul & Barnabas with persecution, Satan attempted with pride: People: “The gods have come down…” (v. 11) “Barnabas they called Zeus” (v. 12) They called “Paul, Hermes” (v. 12) Multitudes “intended to sacrifice” (v. 13, 18) Satan still uses pride (1 Cor. 1:10-13; 3:3-4).
The devil’s use of false teachers (13:4-12) Satan’s Counter-Attacks Against His Glorious Church (Acts 13:4 – 14:28) The devil’s use of false teachers (13:4-12) The devil’s use of bad attitudes (13:13-52) The devil’s use of disbelief (14:1-7) The devil’s use of pride & personality (14:8-18) The devil’s use of bitter feelings (14:19-28) Jews from Antioch & Iconium went to Lystra “They stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead” (v. 19) Paul then went to Derbe & preached the gospel Satan still uses bitterness (Eph. 4:31-32; Heb. 12:14-15).
The devil’s use of false teachers (13:4-12) Satan’s Counter-Attacks Against His Glorious Church (Acts 13:4 – 14:28) The devil’s use of false teachers (13:4-12) The devil’s use of bad attitudes (13:13-52) The devil’s use of disbelief (14:1-7) The devil’s use of pride & personality (14:8-18) The devil’s use of bitter feelings (14:19-28) Even after all of this (accused, accosted & attacked on every front), they were still excited about God’s accomplishments! “Now when they had come and gathered the church together, they reported all that God had done with them, and that He had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles” (14:27).