Today’s Objectives Understand the difference between nature vs. nurture Bell Ringer Do you think who you are today is mostly because of genetics (biological reasons) or how & where you were raised (your environment)? Choose 1 and explain why!
Directions: In your groups, you will do ALL 4 of the following situations and write how each perspective would look at or explain the situation: A teenage boy who joins a gang A famous actress’s drug & alcohol addiction A teenager with depression An elementary student who is a bully
Discuss this with the person sitting next to you. (2 minutes) Imagine… Your adoring parents & you believe you are perfect so they decide to clone you, creating a perfect genetic replica of you. Would the new baby, your identical twin, grow up to be exactly like you? What if the baby were exposed to a different prenatal environment- one polluted (or not) by drugs or viruses? What if your parents had to give this baby up for adoption or decided to move to a different part of the world? How would this child be affected by growing up in a different generation? These questions illustrate one of psychology’s big issues: How do our families, our friends, and the culture in which we live affect us? Discuss this with the person sitting next to you. (2 minutes)
Behavior Genetics Nature- genetics, biological influences The study of the relative effects of genes and environmental influences on our behavior Genes are the biochemical units of heredity that make up the chromosomes Many genes together make up chromosomes
Nurture=Environment Every nongenetic influence, from prenatal nutrition to the people and things around us Any influence, other than genetic, on an individual’s behavior Include: The culture someone is raised in One’s family Socioeconomic group
Genetics in Brief Chromosomes-Threadlike structures made up of DNA that contain the genes 46 in each cell 23 received from each parent Where certain disabilities can occur Ex. Down Syndrome-3rd chromosome on the 21st pair
DNA A complex molecule containing the genetic information that makes up the chromosomes Blueprint of life (has the instructions for making an organism) codes for your genes shape of a double helix made of repeating subunits called nucleotides ATGC
Cellular Makeup
Cellular Makeup
Cellular Makeup
Mutation Random errors in gene replication that lead to a change in the individual’s genetic code; The source of genetic diversity Can be desirable or undesirable changes Ex. Better eyesight or cancer
Predisposition The possibility of something happening through the genetic code Ex. Easily sunburned Can you think of other examples?
Group Project (3) Create a poll about the Nature vs. Nurture issue Include at least 5 questions Questions need to determine the opinions of students about the role of biology and environment in shaping people’s traits and personality Questions must be approved by Mrs. Lynch Poll at least 5 students in the school (not in this class) Use poll data to create a chart illustrating student opinions on nature vs. nurture. You will present these on Thursday