“All About Me”
Rationale This project gives you a chance to tell about yourself While at the same time developing your PowerPoint skills The presentation is worth a total of 30 points
Requirements At least 7 slides with complete information (more than 7 will earn you extra credit) A slide show design or background At least 10 pictures throughout your presentation Slide transitions between slides Custom Animations on each slide Slide Show should run automatically Must use complete sentences where it says to!!!
Slide One: Title Slide Name Title Period
Slide Two: My Information Age Grade Birthplace How would you describe yourself? Answer in 1-2 complete sentences
Slide Three: Family At least three bullet points about your family; anything you want to say
Slide Four: School List ALL OF the classes are you currently taking What is your favorite subject? Why? Answer in a complete sentence.
Slide Five: Favorite Things Name five of your favorite things
Slide Six: My Future What is at least one career you are considering? (You can name more) Would you like to go to college/ trade school/ military? Where? Do you want to stay in Buffalo? Move? Where to? (Complete sentences!)
Slide Seven: Your Choice Music, Friends, Foods, Facts About Me, etc
Slide Eight +: Your Choice Any other information that you’d like to share Extra Credit
Information 15 points All 7+ slides are present and all requested information is given. 12 points Presentation contains 6 slides, and/or most of the requested information is given. 10 points Presentation contains 4-5 slides, and/or some of the requested information is given. 5 points Presentation contains 2-3 slides, and/or little of the requested information is given. 0-4 points Presentation contains 0-1 slides, and/or very little of the requested information is given. Spelling / Grammar 0-2 mistakes 4 points 3-4 mistakes 3 points 5-7 mistakes 2 points 8-9 mistakes 0-1 points 10 or more Technical (Design Template, Pictures, Slide Transitions, Custom Animations, Automatic Run) All 5 Technical Requirements are present in all slides. 8 points 4 technical requirements are present, and/or 6-9 appropriate pictures. 3 technical reqs present, or less than 5 appropriate pictures 1-2 technical requirements are present 0 points No technical requirements are present
Remember you will be presenting this to the class! Have fun!!