Year 2 Autumn Term 1 Plan River Bank Primary School Year 2 In English, we’ll be learning about: Fiction: fairy tales Non-fiction: instructions Spelling, punctuation and grammar (to include conjunctions, sentence punctuation, adjectives and sentence openers) Plus spellings and handwriting In Maths, we’ll be learning about: Place value with numbers 1-100 Tens and ones Adding and subtracting 2, 5 and 10 x tables In Science, we’ll be finding out: Seasonal changes The importance for humans of exercise, eating right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene In Art, we’ll be: Creating collages Studying the artists: Picasso, Braque, Gris, Leger and Matisse. Year 2 Autumn Term 1 Plan Look out for Mr Sansom’s school newsletters to keep updated. In Physical Education (PE), we’ll be : learning about different gymnastic skills improving our outdoor ball game skills Running our daily mile In RE we’ll be finding out about: Christians Who is God? Who is God’s son? (Christmas Story) Easter story Miracles How do Christians worship? Holy Trinity In Music, we’ll be: working on our rhythm and pulse skills with Mr Bob In History and Geography, we’ll be learning about : The Great Fire of London: when, where, how, important people and facts. Name and locating the seven continents and five oceans. In Computing, we’ll be finding out: algorithms create simple programs