Navy Mission Essential Task Lists (NMETLs) and METOC MEASURES 3 May 2007 Mr. David Brown FFC N721B
AGENDA Background Concept Tasks, Conditions, and Standards Measures Metrics NWDC’s role is: to maintain and update the UNTL educate Navy commands in the use of the METLs process assist in proper use and development of METLs refine the Navy application of the METLs process
UNTL BACKGROUND 1995 - CNO (and other Service Chiefs) decision to participate, with Joint Staff, in METLs development Designated NDC (NWDC) as Executive Agent 1997 - Universal Naval Task List 1.0 published as Navy/Marine Corps/Coast Guard instruction 2002 – UNTL 2.0 and CFFC becomes Exec for NMETLs across FFC Claimancy 30 Jan 2007 UNTL 3.0 – DRRS covers nearly all operations required for mission success Added “s” to Corp
UJTL = (SN, ST, OP, TA) + UNTL (NTA + MCT) UJTL/ UNTL TERMS UJTL - Universal Joint Task List - the comprehensive list (library) of tasks at the Strategic and Operational and Joint Tactical levels of war plus the service/agency task lists. NTTL - Naval Tactical Task List - the comprehensive list (library) of Naval tasks at the Tactical level of war UNTL - Universal Naval Task List UNTL= (MCTL + NTTL) UJTL = (SN, ST, OP, TA) + UNTL (NTA + MCT)
UNIVERSAL JOINT TASK LIST (UJTL) re: “Libray” OPERATIONAL Accomplish Objectives of Subordinate Campaigns and Major Operations STRATEGIC NATIONAL National Military Strategy OP 1 CONDUCT MOVEMENT & MANEUVER OP 2 DEVELOP INTELLIGENCE OP 3 EMPLOY FIREPOWER OP 4 PROVIDE SUPPORT OP 5 EXERCISE COMMAND & CONTROL OP 6 PROTECTION SN 1 CONDUCT STRATEGIC DEPLOYMENT & REDEPLOYMENT SN 2 STRATEGIC SN 3 FORCES SN 4 SUSTAINMENT SN 5 STRATEGIC DIRECTION & INTEGRATION SN 6 MOBILIZATION SN 7 FORCE DEVELOPMENT NTA 1 DEPLOY FORCES AND CONDUCT MANEUVER NTA 2 NTA 3 NTA 4 PERFORM LOGISTICS AND COMBAT SERVICE SUPPORT NTA 5 EXERCISE COMMAND & CONTROL NTA 6 PROTECT THE ST 5 PROVIDE THEATER STRATEGIC COMMAND AND CONTROL ST 6 THEATER ST 7 ESTABLISH THEATER FORCE REQUIREMENTS AND READINESS ST 8 DEVELOP AND MAINTAIN ALLIANCE AND REGIONAL RELATIONS ST 1 CONDUCT INTRATHEATER STRATEGIC DEPLOYMENT, CONCENTRATION, AND MANEUVER OF FORCES ST 2 ST 3 EMPLOY THEATER ST 4 SUSTAIN STRATEGIC THEATER Theater and Campaign Strategy NAVY TACTICAL Battles and Engagements ------------------------------------------ Assigned missions provide a commander’s link to the National Military Strategy. The commander’s ensuing mission analysis, based on his assigned warfighting missions, determine the tasks that must be performed to ensure successful mission accomplishment. Once identified, these same tasks provide the foundation for joint training programs; the tasks are established as specific training objectives with associated conditions and standards. The Universal Joint Task List or “UJTL,” depicted on this slide, provides a dictionary of common terms to be used by commanders in stating the mission tasks that need to be trained. This list provides a “menu” from which joint force commanders draw their training tasks based on their mission analyses. Presently, it is being updated to ensure that it continues to reflect current doctrinal terms of reference. This chart shows only the top line of joint tasks at the national strategic, theater strategic, operational, and tactical levels of war. Enabling tasks below each of the major tasks shown here provide the additional detail necessary to focus joint training plans. Note that our tasks cover the full range of military operations from operations other than war through war fighting. Finally, the training objectives established by commanders provide the focus for their joint training exercise programs, discussed next. 6 4 4 14
Universal Naval Task List (UNTL) Common language describes what must be done. Identifies the level of war where tasks will be done. Lists conditions to describe physical, military, and civil environment in which tasks are performed. Lists sample measures and criteria that define standards associated with task performance. The UNTL is published/documented in OPNAVINST 3500.38. There is a draft version 2.0 of this instruction that was used for the development of the CVBG Staff NMETLs posted on the CLF/CPF NMETL web site. JTIMS software also contains UNTL version 2.0 tasks. It contains a comprehensive, hierarchical listing of tasks that can be performed by a joint military force, combat support agencies, or joint organizations This slide depicts what the UNTL provides Notice that the UNTL does not address how a task is performed- that is found in joint and naval doctrine Nor does the UNTL address who performs the task - that’s found in the concept of operations The UNTL does identify what is to be performed in terms common to multiple combatant commands and joint force components Conditions and measures associated with each task will be discussed later Let’s look in more detail how the UNTL breaks out tasks by levels of war WE CAN ADD TASKS, CONDITIONS, & MEASURES TO THE UNTL
UJTL/ UNTL TERMS Mission - The action required and the purpose. Essential - Absolutely necessary; indispensable; critical. Task - A discrete event or action, not specific to a single unit, weapon system, or individual that enables a mission or function to be accomplished. Mission Essential Task List (METL) - A list of tasks considered essential to the accomplishment of the mission. A METL includes associated conditions and standards and may identify command-linked and supporting tasks.
NMET framework Perform this task…. …. Under these conditions…. ….To this standard.
UNTL Task Library Guidelines Activities visible outside the command Doctrinally based- should be able to find same words in Doctrine/ developing concepts (e.g. “maritime domain awareness” from National Maritime Security Strategy.) Discrete events Don’t define who/ how/ or a system Don’t describe environmental issues (physical, military, or civil conditions) Don’t duplicate an existing task “Universal” Feedback to Navy UNTL/NMETLs link at NMETLS allow a commander to quantify both the level and scope of effort needed to achieve mission objectives. (NTTP 1-01) Mission Analysis determines tasking to build into NMETs with conditions and standards plus resources. NMETL and NWTS Process yields target for all DOTMLP-F solutions - yet remains flexible, adaptable and responsive for Continuous Improvement and to meet new challenges- The NWTS is a process where all of its phases are being simultaneously conducted at any one time. NMETLs are continuously refined, future planning is happening in the midst of execution, and assessments are updated and reported near-real time. The Navy Training Information Management System (NTIMS) serves as the repository for approved and draft NWTS products. The Navy Lessons Learned System (NLLS) is an important component of the NWTS continuous improvement process. NMETs are the basis for readiness reporting in the Capabilities-based (DRRS) system Capabilities described by subsets of Unit(s) METs JCIDS relies on MET-like constructs NMETLs are the alignment tool!
CONDITIONS Conditions are variables of the operational environment or situation that may affect performance: physical, military or civil. Environment is the immediate situation or circumstance in which tasks must be performed (e.g., air temperature) Conditions impact the ability to perform a task (e.g., information exchange problems impact the ability to share information with allied/ coalition partners - unrestricted, restricted, highly restricted) Example Reference Number and Title C Air Temperature Definition Atmospheric temperature at ground level (degrees Fahrenheit) Descriptors Hot (>850F); Temperate (400-850F); Cold (100-390F); Very cold (<100F).
STANDARDS Definition Minimum acceptable proficiency required in the performance of a particular task under a specified set of conditions Components Consists of measure and criterion: Measures: Provide basis for describing levels of performance (i.e., miles/hour, percentage, incidents) Criterion: Defines acceptable level of performance (i.e., 10 miles/hour, 40%) Authority Defined by multiple sources This slide defines a standard, what it consists of,and identifies who sets standards Let’s now look at the process for setting standards, i.e., selecting measures and determining the criterion
NMET EXAMPLE Interdict Enemy Operational Forces/Targets NTA 3.2.6 PERFORM TASK OF: Interdict Enemy Operational Forces/Targets NTA 3.2.6 - to conduct air operations to destroy, neutralize, or delay the enemy’s military potential. UNDER CONDITIONS OF: Negligible Light (overcast night)(C - light available to illuminate objects from natural or manmade sources. Moderate Personnel Fatigue (C - degree to which personnel, due to lack of rest, are experiencing fatigue Moderate Collateral Damage Potential (C 2.6.7) - degree to which civilian population and structures (and friendly forces) are close to targets TO A STANDARD OF: 3 Hours to drop ordnance on target after initiation of task 100 Percent of missions flown achieve desired target damage <5 Percent of engagements resulting in collateral damage
MEASURES Distinguish among varying levels of task performance Allow commanders to establish standards consistent with their mission requirements Provide basis for assessment (e.g., readiness assessment) Task Criterion Measure NTA 3.2.2 Attack Enemy 90 Percent of targets Land Targets destroyed
MEASURES VALIDITY – Ability of a measure to capture desired performance. Should support mission success factors. Measures will drive performance. FEASIBILITY – Reasonable ability to collect data in support of the measure. Should consider, manpower, money, existing databases, and technology. RELIABLE – Ability of the measure to tell the same story each time data is collected. Need to be able to compare apples to apples. REPEATABLE – Ability to collect data for the measure each training cycle. Need a steady source of data. This slide defines a standard, what it consists of,and identifies who sets standards Let’s now look at the process for setting standards, i.e., selecting measures and determining the criterion
MEASURES - PERFORMANCE DIMENSIONS Commanders may require measures of different dimensions of performance to describe required level of performance Examples: Time to Perform Rate of Movement Accuracy Completeness Durability/ Reliability Power Cost Range/ Mobility Lead Time Delay Times Effectiveness Coordination Integration Efficiency
Where do “Metrics” come in? Performance to NMETL standards must be evaluated by collecting data against the “Measures” of performance. That is only one set of “metrics” required in a data collection plan. We also need “Conditions” data to understand how to compare the observed performance to the set standard. Other places where “Metrics” are needed include Assessment- Across the force, where are our (community) strengths/ weaknesses in DOTMLP-F? Operations Analysis- What other options are available and how should we value mission task contributions? Validation- Is the chosen COA producing the desired outcomes? (Helps to answer “How do we know we’re winning?”)
NAVY WARFARE TRAINING SYSTEM Hyperlink to Requirements Phase I/O Slide Hyperlink to Plans Phase I/O Slide Requirements Hyperlink to Plans Phase I/O Slide Plans Hyperlink to Assessment Phase I/O Slide Derived From Assigned Missions Driven by Mission Requirements, Training Audience, and Method Eliminated bullet in front of “This phase produces” in all boxes. In Requirements Box, added space after Joint/ In Plans Box, changed “deconflicts” to “Deconflicted” In Execution box, adjusted layout to match others ------------------------------------------------------------ This slide represents what a “Navyized” version of the JTS might look like. The NWTS system advocates a cyclic building block approach to training naval forces based on mission essential tasks. Each phase, through an input-process-output model, uses data from proceeding phases and outputs data to subsequent phases. The NWTS will provide commanders with a process to look at all potential missions a command may have and then determine which tasks and associated physical, military, and civil conditions are most important to those missions. They then can focus the limited resources on those tasks. An example of this process in action will be presented in later slides. A summary of this four phased approach follows: Phase 1 - REQUIREMENTS: Analysis of mission leads to a list of tasks with associated conditions and standards. Analysis of essentiality along with organizations that play a part produces a METL which feeds the plans phase Phase 2 - PLANS: Uses NMETL from requirements to answer the question who, what, when, where, & how. Here training methods and resources are allocated to training requirements. Output is training plans at all levels. Phase 3 - EXECUTION: Complete the training events and collect necessary data, observations, lessons learned & AARs. This information feeds the assessment phase Phase 4 - ASSESSMENT: Determines mission capability from a training viewpoint. Provides feedback to adjust or improve training. Supports external processes such as JMRR and JWCA. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Based on Commander’s Intent & Joint/ Navy Doctrine Based on Output of Requirements Phase This Phase Produces: NMETL Tasks, Conditions, & Standards List of Commands With Role in NMETL Accomplishment This Phase Produces: Fleet, Group, Warfare Commander, & Unit Training Plans De-conflicted Training Schedules IMPROVE NAVY WARFARE READINESS Assessments Execution Commander Assesses Training Effectiveness & Navy Training Readiness Training Conducted & Evaluated Training Events Based on Output of Plans Phase Ability to Meet Navy Standards: Strengths / Weakness in Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel & Education This Phase Produces: Overall Training & Mission Proficiency Assessments Key Issues & Lessons Learned This Phase Produces: Training Proficiency Assessments After Action Reports Key Issues & Lessons Learned
SUMMARY UJTL-UNTL A new “Language” Mission Analysis yields Mission Essential Task List (METL) Tasks, Conditions and Standards Standards include Measures and Criteria Metrics are required above NMETL standards NWTS process is a “universal” continuous improvement model Changed “Measures” to standards and shortened bullet
Mission Analysis to NMETL Programs FFC N721B can lead on-site NMETL Development Seminars. In a 6 hour program, equip your NMETL development team for success. No cost. “Have (NMETL) Gun, will travel.” FFC N721B has ½ hour Exec Level presentation to excite your boss to become an NMETL Advocate. Direct inquiries to or call 757-836-0082.