EGOVERNMENT WG Cascais, 26 October 2007 DG Troika
Sintra – 22/23 October 1st meeting 1st Day - 4th eGoverment Ministerial Conference Lisbon Ministerial Declaration - European Public Administration Network – 2008/2009 - Proposal approach identifying cross border administrative burden - Work in other EUPAN WG 2sd Day - Slovenia Presidency - Lisbon Strategy and the Portuguese Technological Plan - MTP - 2008/2009 This is the agenda for today. In the morning our main issue is the next 2 years for the EPAN – we have a proposal to share with you. But we will start with a brief assessement/avaliation about the 4th ministerial conference and Anabela, that was involved on the production, as well John and Ales, on the Lisbon Ministerial declaration will present the challenges for the next years for the egovernment After lunch, Peter Rem, from Netherland, will present his work about cross border administrative burden. Our portuguese colleagues from IPSG and HRWG will share with us their work After the coffee break we will visit one of the most beautiful portuguese palaces. All the meals will occur in the Hotel Central, close the Tivoli Hotel.
Participants eGovernment Working Group – Sintra, October 2007 Member States: 10 countries Cyprus, Italy, latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Ntherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden Intention to come for the 2sd meeting: France, Belgium, Finland, Bulgary, United Kingdom (5) Didn’t answer: Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Malta, Romenia, Spain, Ireland (9) Don’t want to participate anymore: Austria Didn’t specified the future participation: Germany
Problem A progressive lack of participation in the meetings as well in other situations The decision by one member state no longer to participate in the egovernment group Austria position… EUPAN E-Government working group that we consider a very inneffective forum. Questionnaire on eGWG (Germany)... only 10 MS replied The german presidency presented four options of the future role of the eGovernment WG in EUPAN. The majority of the 17 MS agreed with the continuation of the group. 1st meeting in Portugal – participation of 10 countries
Demographic change & Customer Orientation & Efficiency Portuguese proposal The Network Directors General DG’s Troika DISPA Troika Secretariat X DBR HRWG E-Gov. To finish with this two groups IPSG Demographic change & Customer Orientation & Efficiency
Portuguese proposal MTP – Cooperation Enhance cooperation among the WG’s by developing new working methods: Learning Groups Participation of WG’s chairs in all the other WG’s meetings HR IPSG DISPA Handbook for the network, defining the composition of the network, the papers of each actor, the role of different documents and meetinga in setting the target and reporting about result,the goals of the MTP format, knowledge management of the working groups and tools & knowledge management among the groups etc……. Learning Groups - Creating Learning Groups on the basis of member states common interests, responsible to produce outputs Participation of the chair of each wg in the meetings of the other wg - Establishment of the rule that makes possible the participation of the chairs of each working groups on the meetings of every working group as participant or observer. Common organisation of seminars & workshops - developing together seminars and workshops where each WG could contribute with a different approach. DBR Common organisation of seminars & workshops Working methods defined on EUPAN Handbook
Portuguese proposal Enhance cooperation with others MTP – Cooperation Public Sector, Universities, Industry, ONG’s, ODCE, EGPA… Think tank Handbook for the network, defining the composition of the network, the papers of each actor, the role of different documents and meetinga in setting the target and reporting about result,the goals of the MTP format, knowledge management of the working groups and tools & knowledge management among the groups etc……. Learning Groups - Creating Learning Groups on the basis of member states common interests, responsible to produce outputs Participation of the chair of each wg in the meetings of the other wg - Establishment of the rule that makes possible the participation of the chairs of each working groups on the meetings of every working group as participant or observer. Common organisation of seminars & workshops - developing together seminars and workshops where each WG could contribute with a different approach. DG Information Society – i2010 DG Internal Market – Services Directive European Commission
Proposals All the countries present decided the continuation of the Group. Slovenia - DG Troika can overview all groups and prepare common statements. Netherlands - Work towards objective results, find a way of being more effective and identify objective deliverables Italy - If eGov WG is suppressed, IPSG could loose confidence on the impact of ICT in public services delivery Sweden - Concern in themes like “how do we make citizens interact with ICT?” or “How do we make citizens’ centric services?” eGov WG has a knowledge that will not be fully absorbed by other groups. Luxembourg - Make this informal subgroup more productive, make clear action plans. Focus in specific topics; Each presidency should continue the work that has been done Poland - Members should bring the major problems/issues and discuss them together to achieve pan- european services Continue the work but in a more focused way Cyprus - Learning Groups is a good idea (e.g. With IPSG) Lithuania - Learning Groups could solve the lack of participation problem Handbook for the network, defining the composition of the network, the papers of each actor, the role of different documents and meetinga in setting the target and reporting about result,the goals of the MTP format, knowledge management of the working groups and tools & knowledge management among the groups etc……. Learning Groups - Creating Learning Groups on the basis of member states common interests, responsible to produce outputs Participation of the chair of each wg in the meetings of the other wg - Establishment of the rule that makes possible the participation of the chairs of each working groups on the meetings of every working group as participant or observer. Common organisation of seminars & workshops - developing together seminars and workshops where each WG could contribute with a different approach.
Main Conclusions Top Theme of the group should be “Citizen Centric Services” Importance of transforming the Back Offices to achieve this main goal in collaboration of all members in sharing experiences and producing resolutions Work the 3 dimensions: processes, human resources and technology Identify how could countries understand the citizens needs (work together with IPSG) Users centric services, focus on the citizens Develop online services, promote the use of this channel, but not forgetting the power of the face-to-face services distribution (preferred by most of citizens) Handbook for the network, defining the composition of the network, the papers of each actor, the role of different documents and meetinga in setting the target and reporting about result,the goals of the MTP format, knowledge management of the working groups and tools & knowledge management among the groups etc……. Learning Groups - Creating Learning Groups on the basis of member states common interests, responsible to produce outputs Participation of the chair of each wg in the meetings of the other wg - Establishment of the rule that makes possible the participation of the chairs of each working groups on the meetings of every working group as participant or observer. Common organisation of seminars & workshops - developing together seminars and workshops where each WG could contribute with a different approach.
MTP – E-Government Priorities Handbook for the network, defining the composition of the network, the papers of each actor, the role of different documents and meetinga in setting the target and reporting about result,the goals of the MTP format, knowledge management of the working groups and tools & knowledge management among the groups etc……. Learning Groups - Creating Learning Groups on the basis of member states common interests, responsible to produce outputs Participation of the chair of each wg in the meetings of the other wg - Establishment of the rule that makes possible the participation of the chairs of each working groups on the meetings of every working group as participant or observer. Common organisation of seminars & workshops - developing together seminars and workshops where each WG could contribute with a different approach.
MTP – E-Government Priorities Considering the Priority Policy Actions defined on Lisbon Declaration Reduction on administrative burdens Use eGovernment as a lever to contribute to the achievement of the objective of reducing administrative burdens for citizen and business in Europe. Use internationally recognised methodologies (e.g. Standard Cost Model) to measure eGovernment services, focusing on the realisation of ICT enabled benefits and impact of public services. Make use of the possibilities for re-use of information with due respect to the legal frameworks, in particular data protection legislation. (…) Deliver eGovernment services that are easier to use and of benefit to all citizens by increasing user centricity, improving accessibility, convenience and user experience. By the end of 2008 Member States shall report on the achievements of their flagship eGovernment services which have delivered significant contribution to reduction of administrative burden.
MTP – E-Government Priorities Considering the Priority Policy Actions defined on Lisbon Declaration Inclusive Government Increase social impact by ensuring that all citizens benefit from eGovernment services. Contribute to the achievement of a better social environment; higher cohesion, greater effectiveness and impact of Government services targeted towards groups in need of social support and those who do not themselves directly use ICT. Make available targeted, combined, flexible and accessible multi-channel services, including face-to- face delivery support and advanced ICT tools, whilst preserving and assuring traditional channels. Facilitate combined delivery of services and better coordination between the different stakeholders engaged in service delivery at all levels, with special focus given to public agents who need to be trained and be legally enabled to act, if required, on behalf of the citizen. By the end of 2008 Member States shall identify and exchange information on their flagship eGovernment initiatives addressing the needs of disadvantaged and potentially excluded.
The EUPAN, namely EGWG, has a important contribute to this process MTP – E-Government Priorities Considering that the implementation of the above policies will engage Member States in a process of Transformational Change enabled by technology. Considering that the transformations will impact and cut across all areas of government Considering that Member states will need to encourage, and manage, process innovation and process re-engineering. The EUPAN, namely EGWG, has a important contribute to this process How?
MTP – E-Government Priorities ENHANCING THE EFFICIENCY OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT Focusing on User Centric Services in two perspectives: 1. Reduction of Administrative Burdens for Citizens A main goal of eGovernment services is to reduce administrative burdens for citizens and companies and to develop better and more efficient services. The EGOVWG will focus only on the citizens perspective. Activities identify services with high impact on the reduction of administrative burdens for citizens; analyse the different forms and models to put in practice the transformation of backoffices; discuss how to encourage cross-government collaboration; to work on guidelines to manage transversal services; analyse the different methodologies to measure the progress an success
MTP – E-Government Priorities DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE 2. Inclusive Government. New way of delivering public services, focused on business and citizens’ needs and based on a multichannel integrated structure, including face-to-face delivery. Activities: identify the initiatives addressing the needs of disadvantaged and potentially excluded citizens; discuss how to develop multi-channel services, including face-to-face delivery; identify the acquisition of different skills (not only technical skills) of public agents; exchanging experiences of how to stimulate the use of eGovernment services by citizens
EGOVERNMENT WG DG Troika Cascais, 26 October 2007