Week of 10/11/17 Bear Time: Journal Prompt Bingo – Choose a prompt from your Personal Narrative Journal Prompt Bingo Sheet and respond.
Mini-Lesson: The Raven https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLiXjaPqSyY Check your work For each stanza – add a detail.
10/12/17 Bear Time: Journal Prompt Bingo – Choose a prompt from your Personal Narrative Journal Prompt Bingo Sheet and respond.
Mini-Lesson: The Tell Tale Heart Review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDLL HTdVSgU&t=4s
Writing Workshop: Write your own Rewrite one of the Edgar Allan Poe pieces we read. Change the perspective and/or point of view from which the story is told. You may use either The Tell Tale Heart or “The Raven”. You may use poetry OR prose for either.