PLANNING YOUR GRADE NINE YEAR Archbishop Denis O’Connor C.H.S. January 2019
AGENDA Words of Advice from our Grade 9’s Test! – Making it to Graduation Day: June, 2023 Courses Offered Academic Levels Offered Statistics How do I Pick My Courses??? Looking Ahead
Thoughts From Our Grade Nines What are the biggest differences between elementary and high school? More work!! Teachers go through the units quickly. You need to do your homework or you will fall behind. You are responsible for yourself. Classes are longer than in elementary school. We have four sets of classmates – not the same students all day long. More freedom. You can fail a class Feel young, small. We are now the youngest grade in school. There are more students. No recess, snack time. Day goes by faster.
Thoughts From Our Grade Nines In a nutshell, what are the most important things students in grade 8 need to know as they prepare for high school? Organization is very important. Keep good notes and put them in your binder. Taking the Head Start Program was very helpful with my transition to high school. Ask your teacher if you don’t understand something. People are very nice. Pick the right academic level for grade 9. Ask your grade 8 teacher what the right level is. Do not lose your education over your social life Go out for clubs and activities – it is a great way to meet people and become part of the school. Don’t be scared. We were not bullied or put in lockers. Always hand in your work on time. Prepare for more homework and study. Falling behind creates more stress later on.
TEST TIME What three things must a student complete in order to graduate with an Ontario Secondary School Diploma?
How Will You Make It To Graduation Day? To earn the Ontario Secondary School Diploma all Ontario students are required to: Earn 30 Credits Successfully pass the Grade 10 Literacy Test Complete 40 Hours of Community Service
ENG 1P1 Reading a Course Code Grade Level Subject 1 – Grade 9 L - Foundations P – Applied D – Academic O – Open Subject English
Compulsory Courses in Grade Nine Religion English French Science Mathematics Canadian Geography Physical Education Students can select the traditional gym class or the Fitness class. In the fitness class students run everyday! Students also do weights and other cardiovascular activities. Phys. Ed. uniforms are purchased on the first day of class. Note: In Grade 10, Geography and French are no longer compulsory courses. They are replaced by History and the Career Studies/Civics course.
Optional Courses – Students Choose One Of: Drama Instrumental Music (No Experience) Instrumental Music (Previous Experience) Vocal Music Visual Arts (Drawing, Painting, Sculpture) Exploring Technologies (Woodworking, Computer Aided Design, Automotive, Drafting Principles, Welding) Introduction to Robotics and Communication Technology– Office 365
Some things to Consider Every student must complete an Arts credit in either grade 9 or 10. Every student selects the French level that matches the level of their English course. Success in grade 9 French is more related to learning skills than French knowledge. No grade 10 optional course has a prerequisite course.
Alternate Courses Students select two alternate courses as part of their grade 9 year. Alternate courses are used if we cannot schedule one of your optional courses.
ACADEMIC LEVELS IN GRADE 9 AND 10 We encourage parent and student, in consultation with the grade 8 teacher, to select the academic level that reflects the pathway of the student and will lead to success in grade 9. The students’ learning style is an important factor in this decision. Foundations in English, Math and Science · emphasis is on core skills and knowledge development in English, Science and Math · the specific learning needs of each student are accommodated · goal is to bring the core subject skills to grade level to allow for a possible transition to the applied level. Academic Applied Foundations Crossover Materials Grade 9 Grade 10 Applied Level · emphasis will be on the practical and hands-on applications of the concepts · students are generally more dependent learners who benefit from greater teacher direction and receive more samples of work. Workbooks may accompany textbook. Academic Level · recommended for students achieving at level 3 and higher. · Students need to work independently, meet deadlines and keep pace with a fast-moving curriculum. Emphasis is on theory and abstract thinking. Students have the opportunity to change levels between grade 9 and 10 (academic to applied or applied to academic). The one exception is Math where a student must successfully complete a two week transfer course in the summer between grades 9 and 10.
ACADEMIC LEVELS IN GRADE 9 AND 10 Foundations in English, Math and Science (L) · emphasis is on core skills and knowledge development in English, Science and Math · the specific learning needs of each student are accommodated · As in all levels, attendance and work habits are a key success factor · students may proceed from grade 9 Foundations to grade 9 Applied.
· Good work and study habits are essential Applied Level (P) · emphasis will be on the practical and hands-on application of the course material · for students who benefit from greater teacher direction, more examples during a lesson and assignments that are more structured. Workbooks may accompany textbook. Academic Level (D) · recommended for students achieving at level 3 and higher · While the course work provides students with both theories and practical applications, there is a greater emphasis on Theory as a basis for future learning and problem solving · Students need to work independently, meet deadlines and keep pace with a fast-moving curriculum · Good work and study habits are essential
Open Courses Open courses have one set of expectations for the subject being taken All optional courses are at the Open level Examples: Physical Education – PPL1O1and PPL1O2; Drama – ADA1O1
Changing Academic Levels From Grade 9 to Grade 10 Students can change academic levels from grade 9 to grade 10 (i.e. Applied English in grade 9 to Academic English in grade 10) Student success in the grade 9 course, the desired pathway of the student and a recommendation from the grade 9 teacher would be considered in the decision making process One exception is in the area of Math. A student must complete a nine day transfer course in the summer between grade 9 and 10 to be eligible for the grade 10 Academic level Math course Our goal is to have a successful grade 9 result and use that result as a basis for course selection in grade 10
STATS from Grade 9’s Sem.1- Mid Terms 150 Grade 9 students 600 Credits attempted in Sem.1 At mid-term 42 credits are below 50% = 7% credit loss Academic – 13; Applied-14; Open-15 30 students have a course mark below 50% = 20% student pop. 10 students have more than 1 course mark below 50% = 6.7% student pop. Of the 150 grade 9 students – 65 are At Risk = 43.3% student pop.
STATS from Grade 9’s Sem.1 20 students have a 90% or above in 1 of their courses; = 14% of students 6 students have 2 courses at 90% or above! 2 students have 3 courses at 90% or above! 1 student has ALL 4 courses at 90% or above!
Dr. Alan King Report - 2009 “Who Doesn’t Go To PSE?” “Students who failed courses early in secondary school were much less likely to complete an OSSD. For example, 83% of students with no failed courses graduated with an OSSD within 5 years.”
The On-Line Course Selection Process Students from our 5 associate schools will select courses through Career Cruising Students will receive a Username and Password at their course selection presentation (some may have already started work in Career Cruising and, therefore, have a different password) After selecting courses, students must print their Course Selection sheet, have a parent sign it for approval, and submit it to their grade 8 teacher along with the Student Activity Fee
To access Career Cruising, go to the DO’C web site (doc. dcdsb To access Career Cruising, go to the DO’C web site (, select the STUDENTS Tab at the top then select the Guidance link. In the Left Hand Column select Courses Levels and Calendars You can select DO’C COURSE CALENDAR to read course descriptions There will be two links to Career Cruising Career Cruising; explains Career Cruising Career Cruising Log In; need Username and Password Follow the steps in the Course Selection Guide to choose your courses.
To Be Handed In By Friday, February 25, 2019 Course Selection Sheet is printed after you submit your courses on-line. This form must be signed by a parent/guardian Student Activity Fee of $75 (with form) covers costs such as student retreat, yearbook, student I.D. Card, agenda book… Submit the signed Course Selection Sheet and the Activity Fee to your grade 8 teacher.
Transportation Bus transportation is provided to students who live in the school busing zone as designated by the Durham Catholic District School Board. Please contact Mrs. Guay, Board Busing Eligibility @ 905-683-4111
Looking Ahead Gr. 8 PARENT OPEN HOUSE – Thursday January 17th, 2019; Tours start at 6:15pm; Departments, Clubs Teams in cafe to speak with parents and students; Presentation starts at approx 7:15pm Purchasing of Uniform – McCarthy’s, Used Uniform Sale August Mailing Headstart Program at DO’C A four day program in late August to prepare you for high school First Day of High School: Grade 9’s ONLY! September 3, 2019