Cash for Carbon: Realizing Opportunities in the Built Environment Mark van Soestbergen ICBE 14th UF PIEC February 29, 2008
Total value transition by 2025: ~ 20B Opportunity space Year 1990 2000 2007 2012 2017 2025 Emissions Trend in MMTCDE (BAU) 86 117 135 146 161 189 Target emission levels in MMTCDE 130 116 Opportunity gap in MMTCDE 16 45 103 Valuation @ $/tCO2 10 20 30 Annual gap potential in USD 160M 900M 3B Total value transition by 2025: ~ 20B
Support Elements Baselines Project Registry Verification Agents Securitization
Buildings as an extension of the grid
Toward Climate Stability™ Nice meeting all of you! this presentation can be downloaded from: Mark van Soestbergen 352 367 1144 tel 352 335 9140 fax Toward Climate Stability™