Bhagavad-Gita As It Is Chapter 9 Text 4-6 Inconceivable potencies of Lord. Everything rest in Lord.
Text 4-5 mayä tatam idaà sarvaà jagad avyakta-mürtinä By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them. And yet everything that is created does not rest in Me. Behold My mystic opulence! Although I am the maintainer of all living entities and although I am everywhere, I am not a part of this cosmic manifestation, for My Self is the very source of creation. mayä tatam idaà sarvaà jagad avyakta-mürtinä mat-sthäni sarva-bhütäni na cähaà teñv avasthitaù na ca mat-sthäni bhütäni paçya me yogam aiçvaram bhüta-bhån na ca bhüta-stho mamätmä bhüta-bhävanaù
Inconceivable nature ataù çré-kåñëa-nämädi na bhaved grähyam indriyaiù sevonmukhe hi jihvädau svayam eva sphuraty adaù (Bhakti-rasämåta-sindhu 1.2.234) Lord Çré Kåñëa’s name, fame, pastimes, etc., cannot be understood by material senses. Only to one who is engaged in pure devotional service under proper guidance is He revealed.
avyakta-mürtinä Word Avyakta – unmanifest. But mürtinä is always used for form. So avyakta-mürtinä means form that is not manifest to everyone. premäïjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santaù sadaiva hådayeñu vilokayanti: one can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda, always within himself and outside himself if one has developed the transcendental loving attitude towards Him. Here it is said that although He is all-pervading, everywhere present, He is not conceivable by the material senses. E.g. TV signal, mobile signal but not everyone can catch.
Energy and Energetic “I am everywhere, and everything is in Me, but still I am aloof.” e.g. King present in all department and yet aloof. Similarly, Krsna present in each and every atom of creation by His Paramatma feature and yet aloog from this creation. viñöabhyäham idaà kåtsnam ekäàçena sthito jagat “With a single fragment of Myself I pervade and support this entire universe.”
Ekäàçena – one portion Krsna has two kinds of expansions and both are called amsa, Sva-amsa – planery portions vibina-amsa – separated portions. Sva-amsas are Vishnu-tattva expansions of Lord Sri Krishna and that is what Krsna reffers in word ekamsena. Vibina-amsa are living entities, who are energy of Lord.
Inconceivable opulence The Lord says that everything is resting on Him. This should not be misunderstood. E.g. Atlas holding earth – God is not like that. yujyate ’nena durghaöeñu käryeñu: “The Supreme Lord is performing inconceivably wonderful pastimes, displaying His energy.” e.g. cobler and brahmana e.g. this creation filled with inconceivable phenomenas and living entities with inconceivable potency also but do not think it great e.g. diff. between m/c and living entities. Living entities reproduce and m/c don’t.
yogam aiçvaram The Lord explains this fact: although He is the maintainer and sustainer of the entire material manifestation, He does not touch this material manifestation. Simply by His supreme will, everything is created, everything is sustained, everything is maintained, and everything is annihilated. He is different from this material manifestation, yet everything is resting on Him. This is explained here as yogam aiçvaram, the mystic power of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Text 6 yathäkäça-sthito nityaà väyuù sarvatra-go mahän tathä sarväëi bhütäni mat-sthänéty upadhäraya Understand that as the mighty wind, blowing everywhere, rests always in the sky, all created beings rest in Me.
Supreme Lord The Supreme controller E.g. Sky and air. “It is out of the fear of the Supreme Lord that the wind is blowing.” “By the supreme order, under the superintendence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the moon, the sun, and the other great planets are moving.” So, from the Vedic literature we can find evidence that this material manifestation, which appears to us to be very wonderful and great, is under the complete control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Realizing mystic potencies To realize the mystic nature of Lord’s potencies, we must have connection with Him and blessings from Him. Easiest way to invoke the blessings of Lord is to render service unto Him by chanting His Holy names. Chanting Holy names of Lord also keeps our connection alive with Him. Thus we must chant Hare Krsna….