Debrief SIMPLYCYCLE: From Linear Take-Make-Waste Into Continous Metabolism
Design Material as Nutrient Level 1 Set the Course for Cyclical Metabolism Design Material as Nutrient
Cooperation especially in Recycling Level 2 Factors that Support Continuous Flow of Material Savings in Purchasing Re-Design Material Cascading Renewable Energy Cooperation especially in Recycling Return Logistics Service Concepts Customer decision
Seeing the Bigger Picture, Linking with other Cycles Level 3 Seeing the Bigger Picture, Linking with other Cycles Social Fairness, no Neo-Colonialization Celebrate Diversity = Save our natural resources Be Beneficial! Create our Future. Increase Quality of products and processes, stop pollution Design for the next Cradle = keep materials in metabolism
Benefits of Eco-Effective Products and Processes Results Benefits of Eco-Effective Products and Processes Biodiversity is supported CO2 stored in soil = Climate Protection Soil is rebuild, better fertility People like to work in these companies Processes protect water Customer Awareness rises Plastic Waste in Oceans is avoided