Review How do you bring in your data? How do you plot your data? How can you change the plot line style (color, thickness, continuous or dashed…)? How can you change the data point display style (marker line style, line color, …)? How do you get back to the Chart Tools? How do you change the chart layout? How do you format gridlines, chart axes? How can add a chart title? How do you move the graph around in the chart window? What are the three tabs available under Chart Tools
Put Finishing Touches on Your Plot You’ll have an opportunity before you leave to print of a plot
Make screen captures for use in word documents Ctrl C to cut graphs & Ctrl V to paste Print Screen to capture entire monitor view Fn Alt Print Screen to capture the active dialog window Ctrl V to paste See handout
Evaluate the logs of these two functions What base do you need to use?
Does the age depth relationship in the North Sea suggest that an exponential age/depth relationship exists in the area?
Problem 2.12 C0 is the initial concentration of the element in the liquid before crystallization began, F is the fraction of liquid remaining and D is a constant (known as the distribution coefficient). Calculate the concentration of an element after 50% crystallization (i.e. F = 0.5) if its initial concentration was 200ppm and D=6.5.
We’re going to take a slightly different approach to the solution of Problem 2.12 that will take advantage of the computer resources and provide a more comprehensive evaluation of the concentration liquid fraction relationship. Rather than solving C for just one value of F let's solve C for a range of Fs extending from 0 to 1 at intervals of 0.05.
F is our independent variable, so for starters, we need to create a column of numbers corresponding to remaining liquid fraction that run from 0 to 1 at intervals of 0.05
Select, Click and Drag Down to Fill
Assign a variable name
In cell B2 enter the formula =CO*A2^D
Pb. 2-12 Homework Format Present your graph. Present hand calculations of the concentration after 50% crystallization. Using your calculated data tables compare the change in concentration from 85% to 75% liquid fraction with that occurring between 55% and 45%
As the result of today’s lab you should know how to do the following: Enter data Graph data Format and style graphical output for presentation
Look over problem 2.13 for Thursday For Next Time Continue your reading Look over problem 2.13 for Thursday