How To Communicate Clearly & Effectively Large Group Session 2:2 How To Communicate Clearly & Effectively
Communication Good communication is essential when two or more individuals or groups need to share information with one another. 5 W’s of Communication
WHO? With whom are we communicating? Leaders Participants (Members/Visitors) Synod Office Other Congregations Community/Unchurched Global Church Chicago (ELCA headquarters)
WHAT? What is being communicated? Necessary (Data) Standard Information Relational
WHEN? When to communicate the whats? Timeliness matters Varied formats Repetition Short and sweet
WHERE? Platforms Website Social Media Emails/Texts Worship Printed Apps Video
HOW? Tips Jesus Limit the quantity Edit down Job descriptions Personality quizzes Ask questions
WHY? Why does good communication matter? It’s Biblical It cultivates healthier relationships Make room for the Holy Spirit!