Week 5
On to Object Design Sequence diagrams Interaction Diagrams This is notation week! On to Object Design Sequence diagrams Interaction Diagrams Class Diagrams
Chapter 14
Agile Modeling Lightweight UML drawing Reduce drawing overhead Understand Not document UML case tools Have value Have a cost!
For a three week iteration, between a few hours and one day! How much modeling Guideline: For a three week iteration, between a few hours and one day!
Fig. 14.1
Object design skills over UML notation What are the responsibilities of an object? Who does it collaborate with? Design patterns?
Class - Responsibility - Collaboration CRC cards Class - Responsibility - Collaboration
Fig. 14.2
Fig. 14.3
Design is hard - poor design is all to easy Summary Important Principles! Design is hard - poor design is all to easy CRC cards are a great guide Pay attention to operation (dynamic modeling!)