SNS Integrated Control System SNS RDB Requirements, wish list, status A little history l Oracle RDB used exclusively by accelerator physics group l JERI tool developed, Mostly a table based browser and MPS configuration tool l MPS uses RDB for all configuration, EPICS dbs, st.cmd, etc. l Great visions at first but controls had a slow start. l Strong reluctance in Controls group to use Oracle »Excel spreadsheets »Access »Perl Scripts »Cut and paste »etc…. l Biggest complaint has been the user interface but never any useful feedback
SNS Integrated Control System Requirements l Auto Discovery of IOC Configurations l Quick access to data (< 10 seconds?) Same as EDM, Archiver requirements. l Web Based Reports l Generation of standard configuration files (alh, arReq, etc.) l RDB support of CVS or equivalent l MPS – Configuration Control »Configuration tracking, notification,.mps, etc. l Naming Convention (Sys_SS:Dev_Inst:Signal) configuration control, (jail reports) l Archiver Report (What PVs are not being archived?) Operations l PV clients, whos affected? deleting / renaming PVs l CA updates to RDB and vice versa (Serial numbers, etc)
SNS Integrated Control System SNS Crawler Discovers PVs in running IOCs l Crawler developed because it was impossible to get IOC engineers to import the data. l Populate RDB with PVs running on IOCs »Backwards from original plans to generate db files »RDB ->.substitutions -> xx.db -> crawler -> RDB ????????? »Associates PVs with Templates and substitutions »Associates PVs with Db file name, location, etc. l Problems »Many standards used to load IOCs, painful to keep coding all standards! »Naming convention (Good and bad, enforces rules but no data until they conform) »Bad devices types, adding them for now, CF IOCs are operational
SNS Integrated Control System To-do list - Populates Hardware Software info l Hardware information »Interrupt vector, request level »Base address »Board # »Channel configuration »Firmware bit files, versions –Hardware IDs, now RDB can get Serial number through CA l Software information »Loaded libraries, versions, and dbds »Save-restore paths, files »Channel Access Security file loaded on boot up »Sequence code in use, seq Macros »PV over rides (or defaults), dbpf PV_NAME value »IOC local variables (SPRINTFs) »Task priorities l Bottom line, Everything needed to configure an IOC should be in the RDB, a central data storage area.
SNS Integrated Control System Configuration Control - Reports l MPS Mode Masking, Configuration files, Channel assignments l During commissioning versions can (DO) change often. »Driver Version Report (Incompatible software version report, SNS Utility Driver and some hardware, ) »Template Version Report »Firmware Version Report »Inventory Reports –As a minimum, what IOCs are using XXX Hardware –By Serial number if hardware provides l Boot-up directories, Production verses Shadow
SNS Integrated Control System JERI - IOC Configuration - Present l MPS (For EPICS versions thru ) »Generates MPS Configuration Files »MPS XXX.db and xxx.substitutions files using configurable templates »Startup Script snippet »Archive request files l Power Supplies (test reports generated, not in production) »Generate.substitutions file »Alarm limits (B-Fields from Accelerator physics model, or Golden tune) »Magnet mapping files. Cycling procedures (in use) »Archive request files (in use) »Power supply calibration data »DRVH,L based on Operational parameters, Manufacturer specs. Magnet Specs, and magnet mapping data »ADEL, MDEL based on manufacturer specs, Physics specs »(The last hurdle is getting equipment IDs in Oracle so we added fake ones)
SNS Integrated Control System JERI – BLM Configuration (Desired) l BLM Configuration (MPS Configuration Control) »BLM – AFE Channel assignment (assigns the following) –ADC channel Assignments –DAC channel Assignments –Digital IOC channels –MPS Channel Assignment –DAC Default trip point (MPS trip thresh hold) –DAC trip point DRVH,L –Ion Chamber Calibrations –High Voltage set point
SNS Integrated Control System IOC View Architecture Specific Common records $Share SW versions Hardware driver versions Shows all cards in IOC
SNS Integrated Control System PV by IOC view IOC db file PV List template file PV List Template info substitutions info
SNS Integrated Control System PS Controller View Editable choice fields to select power supply, reconfigure a PSI, or change operations limits
SNS Integrated Control System Magnet View Magnet info Manufacturer Model Max I Magnetic Length Magnet Mapping File Magnet Cycling File
SNS Integrated Control System General RDB Views l Configuration views »IOC »Hardware »Driver / Version »Template »Future versions would allow reconfiguration from these views l PV (Irmis) l Power Hierarchy
SNS Integrated Control System Wish List l 1 - Generic EPICS IOC viewer (similar to PS view) »IOC – card type – channel – sensor l 1 - Inventory Control. Update RDB with serial numbers of hardware after a reboot. l 2 - Generic.substitutions file generator (I.e. spreadsheet) l 2 - Alarm Limits (New facility, most limits are guessed or dont exist, use manufacturer specifications for defaults) l 3 - CAS Configuration tool, viewer ? (data is already mined) l 3 - Configuration Control (For global systems and common software) »Change multiple cdCommands to change driver versions –Changing RELEASE would change all iocs under that top area »View all applications using XXX.template, change versions selectively l RDB knows everything in st.cmd, why not generate st.cmds and populate EPICS data from RDB??