Internet Search Tools and Strategies Powell County Technology Day July 31, 2009 Jennifer Francis – Media Specialist, Bowen Elementary
Ice-breaker Introduce yourself to the group who are you, what do you do? Tell us what your favorite search engine is
Purpose of Today's Workshop Introduce you to some different search tools Demonstrate some different search strategies Explore some possible tools to use with students when they're searching
Review Browser Features Internet Explorer – type of browser – there are others, but we use this one at school Menubar Toolbars Newest update of IE has “tabbed browsing” URL and address box For first few slides – use demonstration mode with projector to explain key internet terminology and the major types of search tools: search engines, ports, meta-search, and directory.
Search Engines: Indexing the words on every page in their database (full text searching), a search engine covers Web pages and can include trillions of pages.
Meta-Search Engines Search engines that search search engines Advantages - broad feel for what is "out there" on your topic. Some offer help with narrowing a topic such as Clusty.
Directory: A subject directory includes selected Web sites (more often than pages) and humans classify them into hierarchical subject categories. Most portals have one and some specialized directories are available by themselves. They do not index every word on every page included (subject searching as opposed to full text searching).
Portals: Offer a combined search, directory, and many other general services such as email, free home page building, news, popular topics, etc. Well-known ones include Yahoo!, AOL, and MSN.
Search Engines vs. Directories Index and Directories e.g. Google, Ask, Yahoo (many of these now have directory built in) uses "spiders" to crawl net and find key words Kids Click, Yahooligans, Librarian's Index to the Internet (LII) catalogued by subject and usually reviewed by cataloger for content Index is a subject list - directory goes a step further with hierarchy (subjects get progressively more narrow)
Search Engines vs. Directories Index/Directories Strengths: the volume of pages searched, over a trillion by Google Strengths: sites have been reviewed by the cataloger for relevance and quality Safer search environment for students Weaknesses: Its strength can sometimes be it’s weakness (volume of information) Web designers can plant nonrelevant keywords in their hidden html and deceive the spiders (e.g. make a porn or shopping site appear to be about something else) Weaknesses: Directory is only as good as the cataloger (if their content knowledge is weak,) Searching within directory is only as good as the quality of the subject words attached to sites (if lazy and didn't add many key words or good key words, it will be hard to search)
Activity Go to Elementary/Middle people: Try searching the term human body at Google, Yahooligans, KidsClick, and Ask for Kids. Note the number of hits and the type of hits Middle/High School: Try searching the term civil rights at Google, Yahoo, Yahoo Web Directory, and LII. Note the number of hits and the type of hits
The Point? Search engines returned many more hits. Some useful, some not. Have to weed a lot to find useful info. Credibility of some sites questionable. Directory returned fewer hits, but more focused on topic - also many of the directories allow "Trace searches" to occur increasing the number of relevant references.
Search Engine Strategies Boolean Searching Often + is symbol for AND - symbol for NOT OR These can be especially useful commands with homographs like bass, sound, bow Try bass then bass -fish -fishing at Google Come up with a strategy for searching sound as in the body of water.
Search Engine Strategies Phrase searching Enclose phrases in quotes to get a more precise search (can also catch internet plagiarism this way! Observe the number and preciseness of hits with the following Google searches: 1st try - drug use athletes then - "drug use among athletes" finally - "drug use among high school athletes"
Finding Info on a Retrieved Page Ever retrieve a page or document and it’s so long you don’t have time to read down to find what you need? To very quickly find the concept you are looking for on a page – Click EDIT on the menubar then click FIND ON THIS PAGE and enter the term you want it to find.
Advanced Search Features differ depending on the tool being used. Can usually find them by clicking "advanced search or help" see handout Some favorites: searching by file type Advanced Search at Google: search by pdf's, ppts, and others Yahoo can search for Audio (songs/sounds), Video, and Images specific commands Google's command define: to get a definition in a hurry
Nesting in boolean searching, a set of search terms arranged sequentially within a larger set; the order in which terms are set may determine the nature of the retrieved results. An example of nesting is: humans AND (genetic engineering OR cloning). Nesting can't be used at all sites - can be done at Yahoo (and I've found it handy on EBAY! e.g. want a sweater with either ladybugs or butterflies on it)
Natural Language Search Engines Account for how a person would ask a question about a topic (e.g. like Ask or AskforKids) Go to one of these sites and try a natural language search
URL Stands for Uniform Resource Locator. Can sometimes guess these. Example: url for Amazon bookstore is However, the URL guessing strategy can lead to wrong guesses which retrieve sites that may pretend to be something that they are not. Strongly discourage using this at work or with students! Suffix is also indicator of credibility of website. .com = commercial site .gov or .mil = U.S. government site .edu = U.S. higher education site . org for other organizations, but can be used by anyone .net for networks, but can be used by anyone Can you guess the url for Harvard University? for US Environmental Protection Agency?
URL Trimming Can also sometimes trim back a URL when you've done a search and find something helpful to "TRACE" or backmap to more potentially useful pages. Trim back to slashes. Example Watch what happens when we trim back to the nearest slash.
Other Search Tools There are tons of other online search tools such as online dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedias. Advantage of online dictionaries/electronic dictionaries is that guide words are not needed to gain access. Explore some of the various search tools at
Research Tool you can Use Trackstars can create webliographies for students to provide structure when searching and teach them strategies to use to search in the annotations. You have to register for this. Also note that has other great cutting edge educational tools to use! Example Track Number 258311
Wrap up Share one resource or tip you found/got that you can use
Take Home Messages Variety of search tools Search engines are full text searching tools with billions of pages in their databases Directories are subject searching and are catalogued. Fewer pages in databases but pages have been reviewed. Quotes are an easy way to narrow a search with phrase searching. +, - , OR Advanced Search or Help at search tools can open your eyes to a variety of strategies.