Create and attach a dynamic marketing list to a campaign Select the navigation item Marketing
Create and attach a dynamic marketing list to a campaign Select the subarea Marketing Lists
Create and attach a dynamic marketing list to a campaign Click on the ribbon item New
Create and attach a dynamic marketing list to a campaign Click on the Textbox Name
Create and attach a dynamic marketing list to a campaign Enter the text New Contacts.
Create and attach a dynamic marketing list to a campaign Open the Dropdown list Member Type
Create and attach a dynamic marketing list to a campaign
Click on radio button Dynamic
Create and attach a dynamic marketing list to a campaign Click on the ribbon item Save
Create and attach a dynamic marketing list to a campaign Click on the ribbon item Manage Members
Create and attach a dynamic marketing list to a campaign Open the Dropdown list Select
Create and attach a dynamic marketing list to a campaign
Open the Dropdown list Select Condition
Create and attach a dynamic marketing list to a campaign
Click on button Use Query
Create and attach a dynamic marketing list to a campaign Click on the ribbon item Add to Campaign
Create and attach a dynamic marketing list to a campaign Click on link Co-branding with large retailer (sample)
Create and attach a dynamic marketing list to a campaign Click on button OK
Create and attach a dynamic marketing list to a campaign Click on the ribbon item Save & Close