Note cards All notes should be taken on note cards. The first note card of any source should be the bibliography entry. Source letter First word of entry (author’s last name) A Author last name, first and author’s first last. Title. City of publication: company name, copyright year. Print. Use MLA format guide provided for proper format of different types of sources.
Information notecards The following note cards will contain information from that source. Source letter . Number note cards from that source A1 Subject Facts bulleted from that source about that topic. When you have another topic, start a new card, even if you haven’t used all of the space on the card. A2 Subject Fact pg. 32 Page number where info was found pg. 52-53
When you change to a new source, you should begin with a new source card and then follow with information cards from that source. A A1 Bibliography cards A2 A3 B B1 B2 B3 B4
Hints EVERYTHING IN YOUR OWN WORDS! Do not use complete sentences unless it’s a direct quote.
Reference Book - Encyclopedia Leonardo B “Leonardo da Vinci.” World Book Encyclopedia. 1995 ed.
Internet site with author Keller C Keller, Bob. “Famous Renaissance Painters.” 4 Jan 2010. web. 14 Mar 2013. date retrieved <> date posted/updated web address optional
Internet site where no author is found “Michelangelo” Title of page title of site “Michelangelo’s World.” Renaissance Biographies. 2010. web. 14 Mar 2013.
Organize- sort notecards All bibliography notecards together in alphabetical order. All other notecards based on topic Valuable Shek Fall Burstein
In the bibliography, write all bibliography entries in alphabetical order. Remember that the first line of the entry starts at the margin. Any additional lines are indented. Bibliography “Fall of Rome.” Ancient Romans. 2015. web. 10 Sep 2015. <> Kuykendall, Mr. Amazing Roman Facts. Rancho Palos Verdes: MIS Productions, 2015. Shek, Richard and Stanley Burstein. Medieval to Early Modern History. Toronto: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2006.