How PwC uses analytics to help our people learn. Analytics-Driven Curation How PwC uses analytics to help our people learn. Curation analytics allows us to be more than content pushers. It enables us to adjust, connect, and understand what our learners need. November 2018
We use curation analytics to help create PwC’s high-performance culture Tracking our high performance culture. How we curate our catalogue. Analytics Driving Curation [Placeholder slide for LiveSlide Kiln demo]
Our curation metrics show if we are meeting our learners’ needs When learners found what they were looking for:
When learners didn’t find what they were looking for: Our curation metrics also show if we are not meeting our learners’ needs When learners didn’t find what they were looking for:
We use curation analytics to refocus, so we can meet learners’ needs
Find the hidden meaning in your learners’ behaviors, wants, and needs. No. 1 Be in their Moment Recognize the value of a bottom-up approach to proactively address learner needs. No. 5 Use your Sundial Timing and context is everything. Make sure your timing aligns with priority business activities. Lessons Learned No. 6 Curate Local, Think Global Collaborate with other functions in the organization to track usage outside the traditional channels. No. 2 Pairing is Caring Pair technical learning assets with the complementary non-technical skills and knowledge to help learners reach the next level. No. 3 Ride the Wave Where is the learning momentum? What’s the next big initiative, industry disruption, or client need? Shaping your curation approach by tracking clicks, likes, the ignored, and lost heroes. No. 7 Have a Piece of Flair Catching someone’s attention is half the battle - to stand out, don’t skimp on the visuals. No. 4 Don’t Lose your Heroes Sometimes the right solution already exists. Use packaging and marketing to help learners connect with what they need. No. 8 Be a Super Sleuth Find the hidden meaning in your learners’ behaviors, wants, and needs.
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