A step by step guide on how to log a ‘Request’ for maintenance or service
Request Form You gain access to the Request Form from your intranet set-up by your IT dept. Or the internet via either our desktop launcher icon. Or a bookmark in your browser.
Request Form Once on the Request Form for the first time please review the introduction text.
Request Form Click “Generate a Maintenance Request” button to begin to log your issue. For each issue it is imperative that you log separate requests.
Your Details Fill out “Your Details”. “Your Details” can be automatically saved to a cookie on your computer so that you don’t need to re-enter details for subsequent requests. (Ask your IT dept about setting this up for your browser if your details don’t automatically populate on your next request)
Request Details “Item ID Number” is a non mandatory reference field e.g. for serial, model, asset, room, or order number, etc. “Item Description” is used for a short description of the item or issue. e.g. leaking tap.
Request Details “Item Location” should accurately describe the location of the issue. “Description of Request” is used to provide a detailed description of the issue observed. “Works Department” is used to associate the Request to a work team and to notify that department.
Assessment/Survey There are a series of questions on the Request Form to help with request management. (they will differ from here) Please review and accurately answer the questions either “Yes” or “No”. Your answers to the questions will be recorded against the Request in My Maintenance and will be vetted by the associated Works Department.
Status Updates If you require email status updates tick the check box “Do you wish to be kept informed on the status of the request”.
Status Updates This is the fastest and easiest way for you to be kept informed of your Request’s status. So there is no more need for separate calls or emails to your facility or maintenance department. Following submission of the Request you will receive an email detailing your Request. As the Request passes specific milestones through to completion you will receive email notification/s detailing the status of your Request.
Preview the Request If you’re happy with all your entries click “Preview Request”.
Review your Request Review your Request on screen prior to final submission. If upon review you do not wish to submit click on “Cancel Request”. If you wish to edit content click on “Edit Request”. If you wish to submit click on “Submit Request”.
Submit Request Following clicking on the “Submit Request” button a dialogue box will appear asking “Are you sure you want to process this request?” Click “OK” button to submit Request.
Request Processing Following clicking on the “OK” button, momentarily a dialogue box will appear advising your request is being submitted. Do not navigate away from this page or click on any buttons while your Request is being processed.
Post Submission Following submission your Request will be allocated a unique identifying number. If you do not wish to add images or documents to your request click “Finished”.
Adding Image or Files You can upload images or files to your Request by clicking on “Add Files”.
File Upload Click on “Upload Now” and navigate to image or file on your computer to upload.
File Preview A thumbnail of your uploaded images and filenames will be displayed. Up to six files can be added per request. Image files can be previewed by clicking on the thumbnail and rotated if required using the rotate left and right arrows. Files can also be deleted by clicking on the trashcan icon. Click on the “Finished” button to return to the request form.
Post Submission Following submission of the Request you will receive an email* detailing your Request. *If you ticked the notify checkbox on the request form. You can view the progress of your request and add files by clicking on the URL on the bottom of the email.
Email Link to Report Upon clicking on the URL link in the email a request report will open in your browser. You can view the progress of your Request or add files by clicking on the “Add Files” button.
Task Allocation & Action Upon submission your Request will be logged in the My Maintenance database and will be vetted by the associated Works Department. Tasks associated with your Request will be assigned to staff or contractors using a step wise process; Verify, Quote, Pre-Work Approval, Perform, Check and finally Sign-Off. Most Requests will only have one or two of the above steps assigned to them.
Task Completion Upon completion of each of the assigned task steps you will be kept informed of progress through the steps to completion via email notification*. Upon completion of all assigned steps you will receive email notification* that your Request has been completed. *If you ticked the notify checkbox on the request form.
Thank You - For further information please contact your facility manager. For more info go to www.mymaintenace.com.au