ACN Line Rental Product Training France
Contents Opportunity & Benefits Service Offering Additional Services Customer Sign-Up Process Important Information Provisioning Process Directory Enquiries
Opportunity & Benefits Population: 60.88 million Fixed lines in use: 36.38 million Customer Benefits Convenience of one monthly invoice for both line rental and telephone calls No binding contract One point of contact for Customer Services Representative Benefits Increase in fixed-line customers with a bundled Line Rental service Increased revenue potential for commissions Enhanced customer loyalty
Service Offering Competitively positioned line rental service for analogue lines ISDN lines cannot be provisioned at this time ISDN lines constitute a small percentage of the market Available in combination with Carrier Pre-Selection Available with ALL ACN calling plans. Please note that the ACN Illimité calling plan will only be available with ACN Line Rental from launch Value-added additional services
Additional Services Services Included at No Additional Charge: Voicemail - receive a voice message when you are unavailable to answer the phone 3131 - know who was trying to call you Automatic Call-Back - automatically call back a busy line when it becomes available Wake-Up/Reminder Call - program a wake-up call or reminder by phone Hidden Number - prevent your telephone number from being displayed to the person you are calling 3-Way Call - talk with 2 people at the same time Selective Outgoing Call Barring - bar outgoing calls to special numbers Permanent Hidden Number - prevent your telephone number from being displayed for all calls
Additional Services Services with a Monthly or One-Time Fee: Call Waiting - know when someone is calling you when you are on another call Call Forwarding - answer your calls wherever you are Number Presentation - see the number of the person calling you Name Presentation - See exactly who is calling you Call Blocking - block selected types of incoming calls New Number Announcement - notify callers of your new number Number Change - change your existing telephone number Customers cannot have both Voicemail and Call Forwarding Refer to the Additional Services Guide on MyACN for more information
Additional Services Any additional line rental services your customer currently has with the current provider, such as Number Presentation, Call Waiting or Call Blocking, will not be transferred to ACN. These services can either be requested on the TSA (Section 5A) or by contacting Customer Services Any additional services ordered may take up to 10 days to activate following activation of the line rental service
Customer Sign-Up Process Most standard line rental subscriptions from France Telecom, Tele2 and Neuf can be transferred to ACN, however there are a few exceptions. Click the ‘Can my customer’s current service be transferred to ACN?’ link on MyACN before completing the TSA If your customer has any of the following services with France Telecom, they must be cancelled to avoid the application for ACN Line Rental being rejected: Restricted Line (restricted to calls in the same ‘départment’) Temporary Line (i.e. a line set-up for use at an exhibition)
Customer Sign-Up Process Please advise your customer to check the terms and conditions of his/her current line rental service, especially in the case of any binding periods, before applying for ACN Line Rental If your customer is using a fixed line service combined with DSL, please advise your customer to check the terms and conditions of his/her current contract, especially in the case of any additional payments that may be incurred when transferring service to ACN
Customer Sign-Up Process Complete the Telephone Service Agreement (TSA) with your customer: For new customers wanting Carrier Pre-Selection (CPS) only or the bundled CPS & Line Rental service For existing ACN CPS customers wanting to sign-up for Line Rental
Customer Sign-Up Process The TSA is available for sale from ACN’s WebShop Refer to the Instructions on MyACN when completing the TSA with your customer
Customer Sign-Up Process The Line Rental with CPS box must be ticked in Section 5 for new customers wanting the bundled CPS & Line Rental service and for existing ACN CPS customers wanting to sign-up for Line Rental Customers can order additional Line Rental services in Section 5A, including Voicemail
Customer Sign-Up Process The customer must be provided with the following point of sale documents and the cancellation policy must be clearly explained: Copy of the signed TSA T&Cs (part of the TSA) Price List for the calling plan chosen and line rental service (available from MyACN and Service Card for ACN’s Carrier Pre-Selection service, and line rental service if applicable (available from MyACN and
Important Information Please note that line rental for numbers beginning with a standard French area code can only be transferred to ACN. Line rental for numbers beginning with 087 or 096 cannot be transferred to ACN ACN Line Rental is currently only available for analogue lines. ISDN lines or fully unbundled access lines cannot be transferred at this time If line rental is requested for numbers beginning with 087 or 096, ISDN lines or fully unbundled access lines, the order will be rejected, and this may have a severe effect on the customer’s current service
Provisioning Process The application process and activation for ACN’s Line Rental service takes approximately 13 working days The customer will receive a confirmation letter from his/her current provider that the service is being transferred to Verizon (this is the same as confirming that the service is being transferred to ACN as ACN has partnered with Verizon in order to provide line rental) ACN will then send the customer a Welcome Package with all the information the customer needs to take full advantage of our service
Directory Enquiries When transferring Line Rental to ACN, your customer's current provider will automatically delete the customer’s entry for the universal phone book and enquiry services. ACN will re-enter basic details for business customers, but we will not enter any details for residential customers. For all customers we will provide basic contact details to the Emergency Services. A form will be included in the ACN Welcome Package that customers can complete to have their details re-entered in the universal phone book and enquiry services, and also select how their personal information is displayed and used