Achievement Award Brycie edsd Achievement Award Brycie For standing independently in the pool for 5 seconds. Well done Brycie! Date: 13th May 2016
Achievement Award Danyl edsd Achievement Award Danyl For following his timetable independently using a transition stick and for travelling with the symbol to the next activity. Well done Danyl! Date: 13th May 2016
Achievement Award Steven edsd Achievement Award Steven For following his timetable independently using a transition stick and for travelling with the symbol to the next activity. Well done Steven! Date: 13th May 2016
Achievement Award Sienna edsd Achievement Award Sienna For remembering how to make different colours by mixing primary colours together in her art lesson. Well done Sienna! Date: 13th May 2016
Achievement Award Lesra edsd Achievement Award Lesra For initiating imaginative play with an adult by pretending to be a dentist. Well done Lesra! Date: 13th May 2016
Achievement Award Niamh edsd Achievement Award Niamh For successfully pushing the pedals of the bike independently. Well done Niamh! Date: 13th May 2016
Achievement Award Harvey edsd Achievement Award Harvey For excellent behaviour and amazing enthusiasm at the “Rock My World” event. Well done Harvey. You rock! Date: 13th May 2016
For excellent listening in his swimming lesson. Well done Conor! edsd Achievement Award Conor For excellent listening in his swimming lesson. Well done Conor! Date: 13th May 2016
Achievement Award Eden edsd Achievement Award Eden For excellent concentration and perseverance during weaving and threading activities. Well done Eden! Date: 13th May 2016
For exchanging a photo and engaging in the activity. Well done Tiarna! edsd Achievement Award Tiarna For exchanging a photo and engaging in the activity. Well done Tiarna! Date: 13th May 2016
Achievement Award Matt edsd Achievement Award Matt For excellent effort and concentration during his letter formation when writing his shopping list. Well done Matt! Date: 13th May 2016
Communicator of the Week edsd Communicator of the Week Alex For clearly signing “please” when asked by an adult if he would like his drink. Well done Alex! Date: 13th May 2016
Communicator of the Week edsd Communicator of the Week Ethan For initiating saying “good afternoon” by using his PECS independently. Well done Ethan! Date: 13th May 2016