Personalizing COPD Therapy According to Recent Clinical Trial Evidence
Therapeutic Recommendations
Therapeutic Recommendations in Groups B and D
Bronchodilators in Stable COPD
ICS in Stable COPD
COPD Potential AEs of ICS Treatment
Diabetes Onset on ICS
FLAME: IND/GLY vs SFC for COPD Exacerbations in High-Risk Population
FLAME: Primary Endpoint Noninferiority and Superiority for IND/GLY vs SFC
FLAME: Effect of IND/GLY on Time to First Exacerbation Compared With SFC
Triple Studies Comparisons
Triple Studies Comparisons (cont)
TRIBUTE Rate of Moderate and Severe Exacerbations
TRIBUTE Main AEs and Serious AEs
Evolution of Exacerbations
IMPACT Effect on Pneumonia
SUNSET Trial Design
Primary Endpoint: Change From Baseline in Postdose Trough FEV1 (Noninferiority Analysis)
SUNSET Rate of COPD Exacerbations During the 26-Week Treatment Period
Exacerbation Rate Analysis and Blood Eosinophil Levels
WISDOM: ICS Withdrawal Did Not Increase the Exacerbations in Patients With Severe COPD
WISDOM Post-Hoc Analysis ICS Withdrawal and Exacerbation Risk
DYNAGITO Study Design: Tiotropium and Olodaterol in the Prevention of COPD Exacerbations
DYNAGITO Study Design: Tiotropium and Olodaterol in the Prevention of COPD Exacerbations (cont)
GOLD Recommendations in the Group D
Airway Obstruction and Lung Hyperinflation in COPD Are Linked to an Impaired Left Ventricular Diastolic Filling
Interaction of Heart and Lung in COPD Hyperinflation vs Diastolic Filling
CLAIM Study Design
CLAIM Study Results
Lung Deflation With Indacaterol/Glycopyrronium Improves Pulmonary Microvascular Blood Flow
Concluding Remarks
Abbreviations (cont)
Abbreviations (cont)