Soc 1 Soc 2 Soc 3 Soc 4 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
A household consisting of not Just a mother father or children But also grandparents and others. What is Extended Family? Return Row 1, Col 1
Broad idea about what is Good or desirable Shared by peole in A society. What is a Value? Return 1,2
Broad ideas about what Is good or desirable Shared by people In a society. What is a value? Return 1,3
Rewards or punishments that Can be applied by most members Of a group. What is informal sanction? Return 1,4
Standard family consisting Of mother, father, and children. What is a Nuclear Family? Return 2,1
An impulse to reduce discomfort. What is a drive? 2,2 Return
Violation of which calls for A rule or behavior, the Violation of which calls for Strong punishment. What is a taboo? Return 2,3
Sanctions imposed by persons Given special authority. What is a formal sanction? Return 2,4
In this situation you would tend To act less mature. What is individual behavior? Return 3,1
A norm that is formally Informed or enforced By officials. What is a law? Return 3,2
Interaction in which individuals Or groups are forced to Behave in a particular way. What is coercion? Return 3,3
Rewards or punishments That encourage Conformity to social norms. What is a social sanction? Return 3,4
You would tend to act differently When you are with other people. What is group behavior? Return 4,1
Ideas about the nature of reality. What is a belief? Return 4,2
Rules defining appropriate and Inappropriate. What is a Norm? Return 4,3
The discrimination of either A boy or a girl. What is sexism? Return 4,4
A specific territory inhabited By people who share A common culture. What is society? Return 5,1
The process of learning To participate in a group. What is socialization? Return 5,2
Innate (unlearned) patterns Of behavior. What is an instinct? Return 5,3
A set of beliefs, attitudes, norms And values used to justify Age-based prejudice and discrimination. What is ageism? Return 5,4