EARTH, SUN,& MOON By: Charley Ross
Water and how much is there? The moon has 6% of water 80% of earth is made of water
Weathering & erosions Yes, the moon does have erosions it is 000,000,000,4 inches a year Yes it is caused by water & wind
Time to rotate on its axis It takes 29.5 days for the moon to orbit around the earth It takes 24 hours for the earth to rotate on its axis It takes 30 days for the sun to rotate on its axis
size The moon is 3,476 K.I The earth is about 259,533,411,782 mls The sun is 366,258,762,322,355 mls
What kinds of landforms are there? The moon has ice fields, plains, extinct volcanos, & creators Earth has flat mountains, oceans, plains, volcanos, & beaches
gravity Earth has 6 times more gravity than the moon The sun has 27.94g of gravity The Moon has 6 times less gravity than earth
Weather & atmosphere The moon has no atmosphere, no weather, & extreme temp The earth has an atmosphere & weather it contains rain, hurricanes, tornados, ext. The suns temp range is 5,505
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