Course Overview LIST 1105 Public Services in Libraries and Information Centers Week 1 Course Overview Lora Mirza, MLS, MAT, and Amy Moore, MLS
Course Name This course addresses public services in libraries and information centers. Information Centers are Special Libraries within corporations That said, we may generally use the term Libraries for public, academic, school, and special libraries
More about this Course You will learn about the reference interview and other key parts of interactions with library customers You will be able to plan and present a book talk and to design and print a list of books in one literary genre You will understand the basics of reference, information, and circulation services in libraries
You will demonstrate how to use key print resources, including DLB, OED, and others You will demonstrate how to use print and electronic resources to help library patrons with basic information needs You will develop skills for working with difficult customers You will evaluate security during a field trip to another library
You will incorporate skills and knowledge leading to information literacy You will be able to apply the skills learned in library and information centers as well as in other career and life situations
Review of Course Syllabus and College Policies How to contact us Course text and readings Educational outcomes Course assignments – Review of dates Appropriate behaviors for GPC Students
Your Participation Is an Essential Part of this Class
Course Assignments and Grades
Class Participation = 30% of grade Coming on time Signing in Actively contributingincluding active listening Completing homework and class assignments
Essay – 10% of Grade In support of writing across the curriculum Recognizing the importance of communicating your thoughts clearly in writing on library and public service issues An essay will be assigned in September and due on Oct. 4
Quizzes – 20% of Grade Quizzes will cover assigned readings or major discussion points covered in class Scheduled quizzes are noted on the syllabus Pop quizzes may be given at any time
Class Project = 20% of Grade Program planning is a vital part of public services Class project – Book Talk and Genre Bibliographies – will be assigned on Oct. 4 Presentations by the class will take place on Nov. 29
Final Examination = 20% of grade Takes place during exam week on Dec. 11, from 8-10 p.m. in NLRC 2200 Will include questions from course readings and lectures and quizzes One class period will be devoted to review for the exam
Also Worth Noting No Class on Nov. 22 Use any day that week (or the week before) to visit a public library. Complete a library visit form and bring it to class on Nov. 29. There may be a final exam question based on your observations.
Communications Handouts provided in class We are available before and after class – or schedule an appointment with either of us by phone or Unique situation – with co-instructors You may contact either of us
Extra Credit Beginning the third week of class, we will make available journal articles which you may evaluate for extra credit.
Give Your Very Best Attention in Class Format will vary from lectures to class activities Your classroom is not only this room but also this library Public Services = one of the key components of library servicesPublic Services = one of the key components of library services
Problems? Dont wait – we are here to help Talk to us and together we will explore alternatives The only stupid question is the one you dont ask.
Questions? Comments? We welcome your suggestions at any time.