Causes, signs and symptoms M1 Physiological disorders and their care
Review previous progress P1 P1 questions 1-5 complete for BOTH disorders Key Assessment deadline…? *You must reference where this information has been taken from – keep a list in your Bibliography*
Cells and Tissues and organs Cells are the building blocks of life. How many different types of human body cells do you know? When we have a group of similar cells working together this is called a tissue, for example muscle tissue is made up of lots of muscle cells. All the cells in a tissue look the same and perform the same job.
Organs and Body Systems A group of different tissues working together to do a specific job is known as an organ, our heart, stomach, lungs are all organs. Different organs working together form an organ system, our heart and blood vessels work together as part of our circulatory system. All of our organ systems put together make up a living organism and that is you!
Physiological disorders Disorders and disease interfere with the normal workings of these cells, tissues and organs and body systems. We experience the signs and symptoms. What is going wrong in the cells and tissues in YOUR two disorders?
Assignment time! M1 1. What is going wrong in the body system to cause these signs and symptoms? How does the disorder change the cells, tissues and organs of the body system? Use diagrams if it helps you to explain. BOTH disorders *You must reference where this information has been taken from – keep a list in your Bibliography*
Short and Long-term effects Disorders and disease will present some immediate effects on the body These are the initial signs and symptoms of the disease You may have already discussed these in detail What are the longer term effects if the disorder is not treated? What other complications can arise?
Assignment time! M1 2. What are the immediate health effects and how severe can they be? 3. What are the long-term health effects and how severe can they be? BOTH disorders *You must reference where this information has been taken from – keep a list in your Bibliography*
Other Body Systems The Human Body Systems work closely together. A disorder affecting the functions of one body system will also have several effects on other body systems and how they operate.
Diabetes Main body system: Endocrine System Main Organ affected: the Pancreas The Circulatory system is also affected by consistently high blood glucose levels. Sugar in the blood can damage the large and small blood vessels and reduces their elasticity – they narrow. This leads to increased risk of Cardiovascular disease and stroke.
Diabetes When the blood vessels are damaged they cannot deliver the oxygen and nutrients to the other cells in the body effectively. Nerve cells are very sensitive to this – nerve damage in feet, toes and eyes are most affected (Nervous system). The Urinary system is also affected because the blood vessels in the kidneys become damaged and they cannot filter the blood effectively.
Assignment time! M1 4. Which other body systems are affected by this disorder and how? Do at least TWO others. *You must reference where this information has been taken from – keep a list in your Bibliography* BOTH disorders