Primary Newsletter – Friday 7th September 2018 WELCOME BACK Welcome to the 20178– 19 school year. I very much hope that you have been able to enjoy some relaxing moments with friends and families over the Summer, and now as we begin this new academic year we look forward to the many exciting opportunities it will provide for our children to learn and grow. Thank you for taking the time to get your children ready for the new term,they looked so smart and happy to come in to school this week. As well as this newsletter, I am also sending home an additional letter with important messages and information. Please do take the time to read both letters and feel free to ask about anything that you are unsure of. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Monday 10th September Parent Curriculum meetings with teachers Friday 28th September McMillan Coffee Morning New Reception Welcome Assembly Thursday 4th October Phonics workshop for reception and year 1 parents 9am and 2.45pm Friday 5th October Jaguar Class (6E) Assembly 2pm Wednesday 10th October Reception 2019 Open Morning Friday 12th October Lion Class (4/5) Assembly 2pm Friday 19th October Panther Class (3E) Assembly 2pm 22nd -26th October Half Term – School Closed Monday 29th October Back to school NEW CLASS NAMES Before the Summer, a decision was made to follow the lead from our Early Years phase to give each class a name. The children even got to choose the name for their class! Please see an overview of the new class names. Teacher New Class Name Old Class Name Miss Nakeeran Bumblebees Reception Ms Galvin and Miss Bowen Evans Dragonflies Year 1 Mrs Piper Butterflies Year 1/2 Mr Nairne Panthers 3E Mrs Provic Cheetahs 3W Miss Curran Tigers 4E Miss Nwanokwai Lions 4/5 Mr Sinclair Wolves 5W Mr Kohlbeck and Miss Simpson Jaguars 6E Mrs Adebola Eagles 6W MEET THE TEACHER MEETING On Monday 10th September at 3.30pm, we will be holding ‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings for every class apart from reception. This will be an opportunity for you to visit your child’s new classroom and meet their new teacher. Lots of information will be shared with you including details of the curriculum the children will be covering this term, classroom expectations and any other relevant information to your child’s class. If you are able to come, please collect your child at the usual time. For parents of children in classes on the lower corridor, you will be invited in from the playground when the class teacher is ready. Parents of children in year 3 – 6 please collect your child and then make your way inside the building via the main primary door Where a member of staff will direct you to the correct classroom.
Let Your Light Shine Celebrating our best results ever! We at SMA secondary want to let you know about our amazing set of GCSE results this year, beating last years fantastic outcomes. As you can see from the table below, our 9-5 outcomes are 11% above the Lewisham average! We fully expect to be one of the top 3 schools in Lewisham once league tables are published and this is all due to the hard work of both staff and pupils and the high quality teaching and learning that takes place every day. But please don’t just take our word for it! Come along to one of our open mornings for a tour of the secondary phase at Sty Matthew Academy. If you cannot make this date then please contact Eileen Flemming at our main reception to organise a personal tour with one of our senior team. Watch this space for more exciting opportunities for your child to enhance their learning experience by working with specialist teachers in secondary Emma Thurston, Secondary Deputy Head. PRAYER CORNER – A PRYER FOR THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR Dear God, You have chosen this time for a new beginning. This new beginning can help us to begin afresh and try harder. This new beginning can help us to do new things and try out new skills. This new beginning can help us work together for the good of everyone. Help us all make the most of this new beginning. Amen Have a lovely weekend Mrs Beckley