Les verbes réguliers (-er / -ir / -re) Le Présent Les verbes réguliers (-er / -ir / -re)
The basic sentence formula: Subject verb object. I ride a bike.
He rides the snowmobile. They study together. What are verbs? Verbs describe the action a subject does in a sentence. She watches a movie. He rides the snowmobile. They study together.
He rides the snowmobile. They study together. What are tenses? Tenses let you know when the action occurs (timeline) She watches a movie. He rides the snowmobile. They study together.
They would study together. What are tenses? If you change the tense, you change the meaning of the sentence! She will watch a movie. He rode the snowmobile. They would study together.
Verbs (infinitive form) In English all infinitive verbs have To beforehand: To listen To go To eat To work To study To read To drive To be To have To play
Verbs (infinitive form) In French all infinitive verbs have one of 3 endings: Jouer (-er) Finir (-ir) Attendre (-re)
Verbs (infinitive form) Infinitive French verbs (usually) translate exactly as English infinitive verbs: Jouer = to play Finir = to finish Attendre = to wait
He to watch a movie. He watches a movie. Just like in English, you (usually) can’t just use infinitive verbs in your sentences! They need to be conjugated (written in a tense) He to watch a movie. He watches a movie.
How to change the verb from the infinitive form to be written in a sentence: All regular –er verbs follow the same “equation” All regular –ir verbs follow the same “equation” All regular –re verbs follow the same “equation”
For the present tense, there are 3 different “equations” to memorize!
The basic formula… Infinitive verb (without the ending two letters) + Ending (that matches the tense & subject) Conjugated verb
Verbs that end in “er”… Infinitive verb (drop the “er”) + Ending (that matches the tense & subject) (Je / J’) e (Nous) ons (Tu) es (Vous) ez (Il, Elle, On, Qui) (Ils/Elles) ent
Verbs that end in “er”… Jouer (to play) Je joue Nous jouons Tu joues (Vous) Vous jouez (Il, Elle, On, Qui) Le chat joue (Ils/Elles) Ils jouent
Jouer (to play) I play I am playing We play We are playing You play (Je / J’) I play I am playing (Nous) We play We are playing (Tu) You play You are playing (Vous) (Il, Elle, On, Qui) The cat plays The cat is playing (Ils/Elles) They play They are playing
is issons issez it issent Verbs that end in “ir”… Infinitive verb (drop the “ir”) + Ending (that matches the tense & subject) (Je / J’) is (Nous) issons (Tu) (Vous) issez (Il, Elle, On, Qui) it (Ils/Elles) issent
Verbs that end in “ir”… Finir (to finish) Je finis Nous finissons (Je / J’) Je finis (Nous) Nous finissons (Tu) Tu finis (Vous) Vous finissez (Il, Elle, On, Qui) Le chat finit (Ils/Elles) Ils finissent
Finir (to finish) I finish I am finishing We finish We are finishing (Je / J’) I finish I am finishing (Nous) We finish We are finishing (Tu) You finish You are finishing (Vous) (Il, Elle, On, Qui) The cat finishes The cat is finishing (Ils/Elles) They finish They are finishing
Verbs that end in “re”… Infinitive verb (drop the “re”) + Ending (that matches the tense & subject) (Je / J’) s (Nous) ons (Tu) (Vous) ez (Il, Elle, On, Qui) - (Ils/Elles) ent
Verbs that end in “re”… Attendre (to wait) J’attends Tu attends (Je / J’) J’attends (Nous) Nous attendons (Tu) Tu attends (Vous) Vous attendez (Il, Elle, On, Qui) Le chat attend (Ils/Elles) Ils attendent
Attendre (to wait) I wait I am waiting We wait We are waiting You wait (Je / J’) I wait I am waiting (Nous) We wait We are waiting (Tu) You wait You are waiting (Vous) (Il, Elle, On, Qui) The cat waits The cat is waiting (Ils/Elles) They wait They are waiting
-er -e -ons -es -ez -ent -ir -is -issons -issez -it -issent -re -s -ons -ez - -ent
Did you notice? In English you can say/write: I am eating a sandwich In French, there is no am helping verb. Je mange un sandwich. This is a bit tricky since there is only one word in French for two words in English!