Welcome to First Grade Erica Crainshaw, Michelle Mead Sarah Longnecker, Betsy Praiswater & Rebecca Hurt
Reader’s Workshop Structure: Mini-Lesson: Introduce new decoding or comprehension skill (Units of Study are utilized- i.e., non-fiction, author studies, etc. Independent or Partner Reading: Students read self- selected books on their reading level (Reading Partners are ability based) I will confer with students during this time. Closing: Share and reflect on progress/noticings Why Reader’s Workshop? Students are allowed to progress at their own reading level and receiving more time to implement the learning topic- motivation is high because books are self-selected.
Word Work Structure: Words Their Way: Starting August 29th Words Their Way’s developmentally-driven, hands-on instructional approach has been a phenomenon in word study, providing a practical way to study words with students. All four first grade classrooms will be rotating to other classrooms based on their reading experience Why Words Their Way? Students will be grouped based on their individual level. They will work with peers on the same level to study words.
Writer’s Workshop Structure: Mini-Lesson: Work within a Unit of Study (personal narratives, opinion writing, poetry, non-fiction, etc.) Independent Writing: Students work on their own writing- they have control over the topic, but their topic falls within a particular unit. I will confer with students during this time. Students may also meet with their Writing Partners Closing: Share and reflect on progress/noticings Why Writer’s Workshop? Students advance at their own pace- because they choose their topic, motivation is intense and, in turn, immense growth is made
Math Workshop Structure: EnVisions Math Common Core Mini-Lesson: Focused on specific topic/skill Teacher Group: Remediate, practice, extend Independent Work: Reinforce topic/skill Worksheets aligned to their level for each topic according to their pre-test results. Games: Practice current and previously taught skills Share and Reflect Why? Allows for all students to work at their level and receive instruction tailored to their needs
Science and Social Studies Science and Social Studies occur on a rotating basis Both are taught in units defined by the Common Core State Standards Science inquiry and experiments allow students to actively engage in the topic Unlike Reading, Writing, and Math, Science and SS topics are taught and “closed”- their assessment period finishes each quarter New science curriculum: STEMScopes
Assessments and Report Cards Standards define areas taught- ongoing assessments acknowledge student growth and progress Grades are based on performance levels. Mid-Terms: There will no longer be mid-terms coming home with all students that indicate your child’s progress. Parents of children that are falling behind will be notified. Contact me at ANY time with questions or concerns
Report Card Performance Levels
ART MUSIC LIBRARY P.E. COMPUTER LAB SPECIALS SCHEDULE 12:50-1:40 On a rotational schedule based on the A, B, C, D day rotations. A-Library B-Art C-PE D-Music Pay close attention to your child’s schedule and wear tennis shoes on PE day. Bring Library books back on Library day.
Take Home Folders and Homework Take Home Folders: Organization tool for home - school communication Please review daily- look for papers/forms to be returned to school Homework: Each student is responsible for reading 10-15 minutes each night.
RECESS The children will go out to recess twice a day. Including days that are cold. Please make sure your child has a light jacket or winter coat, hat and gloves on the appropriate days.
Field Trips One per school year Small amount will be requested- our PTA works diligently to keep our costs low The 1st grade team will keep you posted well in advance of all scheduled field trips
Classroom Management Purple Green Yellow Orange Red Awesome! Green Ready To Lead Yellow Slow Down Orange Don’t Give Up Red Think About It Students move to purple when they are going above and beyond what is expected of them. Students begin on green each day. You’re ready to go, you’re off and away. You are the one who determines your day! Students move to yellow as a reminder that they need to follow the classroom rules. Take charge of your actions and attitude. Be proactive and it will improve your mood. Students who move to orange need to reevaluate their behavior. Don’t get hung up on silly mistakes. Put first things first. You’ve got what it takes. Students who move to red need to really think. Take a deep breath, and get in control.
Absences If your child is going to be gone and you know ahead of time, please let us know at least a week in advance so we can get some work together. If your child is absent due to an illness or sudden emergency, they will have 2 days for every day gone to make up the work. Please notify The Office, not us, if your child is going to be gone for the day.
Birthdays Birthday treats are absolutely welcome, but please make sure the treats are PRE-PACKAGED and nutritious. Examples: an unopened packaged of Oreos, pre-packaged carrots, fruit gummy packs Due to district and school policy, birthday treats must be served in the cafeteria during your child’s scheduled lunch. Classroom celebrations will no longer occur in order to protect valuable instructional time.
Visitors & Volunteers Visitor check-in system: Raptor (new) All visitors will need a driver’s license to check- into the school building Volunteers: Forms are available in the office for the parents that would like to volunteer. In order to be a field trip or classroom volunteer, you must have the volunteer form completed.
Leader in Me We are a Leader in Me school. The program is based off of the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Habits: 1. Be Proactive 2. Begin With the End in Mind 3. Put First Things First 4. Think Win-Win 5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood 6. Synergize 7. Sharpen the Saw Individual Student Learning Goals