Saving on Audacity Español – Sr. Reilly
Audacity - Saving Save your Audacity file as: Name Familia 8(Ex: Jane Familia 8) Convert the saved Audacity file to mp3 format: -Click on “File” -Click on “Export” -Click on the “Save as Type” menu bar and select “MP3 Files” -Save the mp3 on the desktop of your computer. -Drag the mp3 file to the Dropbox (see the next slide for further instructions).
Audacity - Dropbox Click on the “Folder” icon (lower right-hand part of the screen). Click on “Computer.” Click on the “ShareRD (W:)” drive. Open the folder “sharems.” Find and open the folder “REILLYK” Drag your mp3 to the “Dropbox” folder in “REILLYK” (Once you drag the mp3 to your Dropbox, you will not be able to open the Dropbox folder to check. I will let you know if I have received it by the end of the class, or tomorrow in class.)