Stems List 3 (part 1) These are the first 25 from your third pretest! The test next Wednesday will include these 25 stems only. In your chart, please list: the stem one good clue word the clue word definition the stem definition
centri geocentric theory – says the earth is the center of the solar system heliocentric theory – says the sun is the center of the solar system CENTER!!!!!!!
baro barometer – measures air pressure PRESSURE!!!!!!!
meter barometer – measures air pressure thermometer – measures temperature MEASURE!!!!!!!
duct conductor – one who leads the orchestra LEAD!!!!!!!
helio heliocentric theory – theory that says the sun is the center of the solar system SUN
thermo thermometer – measures heat thermostat – controls the heat or air conditioning HEAT
tele telescope – instrument which allows viewing of objects that are far away FAR!!!!!!!
migr migration – wandering from place to place WANDER!!!!!!!
infra infrared – beneath the visible spectrum infrasonic – having a frequency beneath the audibility range of the human ear BENEATH!!!!!!!
fic fiction – writing that one makes up fortification – something that has been made strong (Do you remember fort?) unification – to make one MAKE!!!!!!!
cent century – one hundred hundred!!!!!!!