Know the Interview Essentials Chapter 9 Know the Interview Essentials Know the Interview Essentials
Part 4: Shine at Interviews Goals: Learn how to get interviews Prepare for many types of interviews Showcase your Personal Brand Statement Manage interview questions and ask a few of your own Know the Interview Essentials
Part 3: Advice from the Expert After initial interviews, Lynn invites candidates to meet the staff. She rejects candidates who: Do not interact well with prospective coworkers Do not demonstrate a strong desire for the job Are unprofessional on social media sites If she is impressed with more people than she can hire, she saves the applications for later. D. Lynn Meyers, Producing Artistic Director Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati Know the Interview Essentials
Part 3: Tales from the Job Search Aaron’s lesson: “You’ve got to put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer and identify the key ‘competence’ triggers they are looking for.” How will you get into your interviewer’s shoes? Aaron Wang, Management Consultant and Digital Entrepreneur Know the Interview Essentials
Know the Interview Essentials Plan for Success Use the PLAN for Success Worksheet. Read Outcomes for Chapters 9–11. Schedule assigned Career Action Worksheets. Consider your other commitments. Most successful people plan: Activities calendar Task list of commitments Know the Interview Essentials
Know the Interview Essentials Chapter 9 covers: Key elements of successful interviews Strategies for getting an interview How to stay on the journey between interviews Know the Interview Essentials
Know the Interview Essentials Job Search Journey The goals in Phase 4, Step 1 are to: Prepare for interviews by starting now to practice basic interview success skills. Learn how to ask for and get interviews. Learn how to keep your Job Search Journey while waiting for the next interview. Know the Interview Essentials
1. Key Elements of Successful Interviews Your attitude: The number one factor Dress for success Use positive body language Speak well for yourself Be aware of business etiquette Know the Interview Essentials
The First 30 Seconds Count People form opinions about each other within 30 seconds of meeting. Area Impact on Interview Attitude 40% Image and appearance 25% Verbal and nonverbal communication Job qualifications 10% Know the Interview Essentials
Know the Interview Essentials First Impressions Image and appearance count for as much as 25% of the hiring decision: Dress Neatness and grooming Handshake Posture Facial expression and eye contact Energy and enthusiasm Voice qualities The Good News: You can control these things. Know the Interview Essentials
1. Key Elements of Successful Interviews Your attitude: The number one factor: Concentrate on being likable. Project an air of confidence and pride. Demonstrate enthusiasm. Demonstrate knowledge and interest in the employer. Perform at your best every moment. Understand that an interview is a two-way street. Know the Interview Essentials
1. Key Elements of Successful Interviews Dress for success; dress conservatively and look the part: Wear business clothes a bit more formal than employees wear. Don’t try to make a statement with attire. Be neat, clean, and unwrinkled. Avoid clothes that are tight, revealing, or show skin. No gym clothes (unless it’s a job at the gym!). Avoid offending with political or religious text or images. Cover or play down body art. Know the Interview Essentials
1. Key Elements of Successful Interviews Use positive body language; it’s louder than words: Appear relaxed: Be well rested and alert; exercise helps. Eat a light, healthy meal just before interviews. Breathe deeply, relax your muscles, and don’t rush. Smile! Know the Interview Essentials
1. Key Elements of Successful Interviews Use positive body language; it’s louder than words: Develop assertive body language: When you meet the interviewer, give a firm handshake and make eye contact. Walk briskly to show you are ready and confident. Sit, stand, and walk with your head up and back straight. Make eye contact (with a smile, not with eyes glued to interviewer’s eyes). Aim for a pleasant, uplifted facial expression. Don’t fidget. Watch the interviewer’s body language and subtly mirror it. Know the Interview Essentials
1. Key Elements of Successful Interviews Speak well for yourself; make a strong case for yourself and get the information you need: It’s how you say it. It’s what you say. Know the Interview Essentials
Key Elements of Successful Interviews How You Say It Use an energetic, pleasant tone of voice. Modulate your voice. Don’t slur your words. Use positive words and phrases. Use proper grammar. Know the Interview Essentials
Key Elements of Successful Interviews What You Say Greet the interviewer by name. State your name and the position you’re seeking. Emphasize how you fit the job. Keep the interview businesslike. Concentrate. Come prepared with stories. Emphasize your strengths, even if you’re discussing an error you made Do not lie during an interview. Be ready to say why you left a previous job if asked. Focus on your goal. Know the Interview Essentials
Sound Impressive by Sounding Prepared For a phone call: Identify yourself. Explain why you are calling. Get the name of the person who answers. Ask whether it’s a good time to talk. Clarify the details. Thank the person you speak to by name. Know the Interview Essentials
1. Key Elements of Successful Interviews Be aware of business etiquette: It is based on common courtesy, manners, and cultural and societal norms. Silence your cell phone. Use good table manners. Your behavior shows how you might treat customers and clients. Brush up on international etiquette as needed, using the Internet. Know the Interview Essentials
2. Strategies for Getting Interviews Directly request an interview. Request an interview in person. Request an interview over the phone. Write a letter or email to request an interview. Know the Interview Essentials
3. Stay on the Journey Between Interviews Getting interviews can take several months. Make good use of the waiting time. Get closer to people in your career field. Keep applying for other jobs. Follow up with target employers regularly. Take another job. Check back periodically. Know the Interview Essentials
Caution: Choose Your Words Carefully Just or Only: “I just worked as a waiter.” Implies you are not proud of your work or you do not consider it meaningful I guess: “I guess part time would be okay.” Makes you sound uncertain Little: “It was a little report that I wrote.” Belittles your accomplishment Probably: “My technique would probably be useful.” Not very convincing Know the Interview Essentials
You, Online: Find Out the Basics Being able to speak about the employer is a great way to stand out. Use the Internet so that you can talk about the basics. Formal name, address, locations, and hours of operation Products and/or services, competitors, and customers Advertised job openings (with salary ranges) Number of employees, departments, and managers Corporate culture Reputation and history (past successes and challenges) News (Have they been in the news lately? Why?) Know the Interview Essentials
Real World Scenarios composite stories from real people Diane Interviews Marcus: Body language perceptions His body language said he couldn’t handle stress, challenges, and multiple priorities as a nurse REJECTED for nurse job What unconscious body language do you send that you would like to change? Lily: Hidden job market Listed ideal employers but saw no jobs posted Connected with LinkedIn® and set up a meeting Casual talk with admin revealed jobs coming open What conversation starters can help you find hidden jobs? What indirect strategies can create interview opportunities? Know the Interview Essentials
Know the Interview Essentials Think About It “Interviews are about the complete package—not just the answers you give.” “If you think you don’t have any physical mannerisms or don’t know what they are, spend a day watching the body language of the people you interact with.” “Show the interviewer the type of employee you will be. Give solid, to-the-point answers. Ask thoughtful questions and never interrupt.” Know the Interview Essentials
YOUR Job Search Journey I can make it happen. Know the Interview Essentials