Visual Arts – All Levels Mrs. Southwick Quarter 4 Independent Learning Activities Instructions: Complete all activities before the end of the quarter. Each activity needs to use up a minimum of ½ of a page.
#1 Working with a SMALL group (think 1-3 people) recreate any appropriate famous piece of art. Then have someone snap a photograph and either print and attach it here OR e-mail it to me at HAVE FUN WITH THIS!!!
#2 You Ought To Be In Pictures Imagine you are the girl in this painting. Answer the following in complete sentences: * What are you thinking? * Why is she on the ground looking at the horizon? * Where do you think she is located? * Why might the artist have decided to place the figure facing away from the viewer?
#3 What would you eat if it was your last meal or the meal you would eat for eternity? Draw it!
#4 Cut out and collage part of an image. Then draw the rest of it, being as creative as you can.
#5 On your paper, create your own “Observation 4-Square” and fill it out as shown for the image shown here. The Rock by Peter Blume
#6 You are an ant. Draw what you see, from YOUR perspective, in the cafeteria.
#7 Draw a peaceful place.
#8 What’s going on in this picture? What’s going on in this picture? There are two core questions for this routine. The first question asks for an interpretation. The second question asks for justification. There are two core questions for this routine. The first question asks for an interpretation. The second question asks for justification What’s going on in this picture? What do you see that makes you say that? What’s going on in this picture? What do you see that makes you say that?
Draw your own home. #9
Draw an everyday metallic object found around your home. #10 Draw an everyday metallic object found around your home.
Once ALL of them are complete, put them in a folder OR staple in the corner and turn in to the hand-in basket. Let me know if you have questions or concerns! Good luck and HAVE FUN WITH IT!