Remit of the Task Force Task Force "EPSAS Governance" 2 October 2013 – Ampere, BECH building Directorate D: Government Finance Statistics (GFS) Unit D.4: GFS Quality Management and Government Accounting
TF EPSAS Governance should: identify the key issues for EPSAS governance, discuss how to balance those issues, and so assist Eurostat to develop a model for the EPSAS governance structure.
Membership of the Task Force: EU Member States from different institutions: MoF, NSI, CoA, etc. The European Court of Auditors (ECA), the European Central Bank (ECB), IPSASB and IMF are invited to participate as observers.
TF EPSAS Governance = reflection group Contribute to the discussion of the future EPSAS governance either by expressing views of their own or from their country presenting arguments raising proposals contributing to the debate, etc. TF EPSAS Governance = reflection group
Outputs from TF EPSAS Governance Public Consultation Outputs from TF EPSAS Governance Feed Commission Comunication Framework Regulation