The case of Artesoncocha subbasin


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Presentation transcript:

The case of Artesoncocha subbasin Modelling surface mass balance and water discharge of tropical glaciers The case of Artesoncocha subbasin


Retreatment in glaciers in Cordillera Blanca 1948 1986 1993 2001 2009 Source:Unidad de glaciología y recursos hídricos ANA Perú.

Retreatment in glaciers in Cordillera Blanca Source:Unidad de glaciología y recursos hídricos ANA Perú.

Mass balance measurements

Energy balance model (Hock) Distributed model. Works in a subdiurnal or diurnal temporal resolution. Solves the energy balance equation on the glacierized area (calculation per each grid of DTM). Accounts for the spatial distribution of topographic shading. Calculates individual energy balance components. Calculates water discharge from the melting of three areas (firn, snow and ice) and the liquid precipitation. ACCUMULATION: Snow precipitation ABLATION Melting and Sublimation

RESULTS: MASS BALANCE Simulation period: March to September 2004 Validation period: March to September 2005

RESULTS: DISCHARGE Albedo Snow 0.9-0.92 Firn 0.6 Ice 0.3-0.32 E discharge period 2004 E discharge period 2005 0.72 0.63



CONCLUSIONS The model of Hock is suitable for simulating mass balance and discharge in tropical glaciers for a daily resolution. Short term periods should be simulatig to account major variability of albedo. The values of sensible heat could be a hint of the effect of el Nino Phenomenum in the glacier in 2004. .