Rules & Expectations of Mrs. Bhatt’s Classroom Brought to you by the internetz
Come Prepared. By prepared, I mean that you should have ready: notebook, pencil and folder.
Make time for homework and studying. This is high school. If you thought middle school was a cakewalk, now you’ll need to study. If you struggled with passing last year, now you’ll really need to study.
Talk to me after class. Should I make a parking lot.
No PEDs without permission School-wide policy: phones cannot be out for calling, texting, googling, researching, calculating, or any other function. Not even a paperweight.
No Names are not graded Do not yell at me about an assignment you completed weeks ago when its been up on the No Name board for weeks.
Check over your work. Be thorough in your work. Proofread. And if you can’t proofread, find someone who can.
We work from bell-to-bell. This is not a joke. If you try to pack up early and line up for the door, I will call you out and hold everyone after the bell. Because you wasted my time.
Do not be disruptive to the learning process. It upsets me. And others. Don’t be that kid.
Extra Credit is not offered to those below a ‘C’ Enough said.
Pay. Attention. I will seriously do this to you.
Don’t be this guy…
Copying/Plagiarism = Failing Grade
Always Give It Your All Because…