Cross contour Skulls Mrs Ras
First find a skull
Open a new file in illustrator
File>place your skull jpeg
Scale the image and then lock the layer add new layer
Choose the pen tool and take the fill off and choose a color ( I am going to work with grayscale so that I can change the shade to add depth at times draw a small cross contour line segment following the curves of the surface
Add a completely separate line again following the curvature a little distance a way from first
Using the the blend tool click once the first segment and then on the second
Double click on the blend tool and change the box options to specific steps and a chosen number
Add a new layer for your next segment of lines
Consider the width of the line for each surface, should some be smaller if farther away?
Using the direct selection tool you can still adjust the line’s anchor points so that it fits you skull
Continue to add layers and creating segments of blend tool contour lines
Consider changing the direction of the lines to be perpendicular and the weight and size of the stroke to enhance the information about the curvature of the surface