IUCN Green List of Protected Areas Progress on the IUCN Green List Initiative JAMES HARDCASTLE, MARC HOCKINGS, DAVID REYNOLDS WCPA Steering Committee meeting, Podgorica, Montenegro, 22 nd April 2013
What is the IUCN Green List of Protected Areas? The IUCN Green List of Protected Areas is an international standard of effective and equitable management and governance to encourage, measure, and celebrate success of protected areas
Green List Principles: The IUCN Green List of Protected Areas is being designed with the following principles in mind: Simplicity in process and designation Recognition of diversity in PA governance Celebrate accomplishments of PA and agencies Potential to include various dimensions (i.e. visitor experience, community outreach, tiger reserves)
1. To recognize and reward effective and equitable protected area governance and management, and thereby: – provide an incentive for improved policies and governance arrangements that will catalyze more effective and equitable protected area systems – stimulate investment in capacity and leadership that enable effective and equitable management and governance of protected areas Aims of the Green List of Protected Areas
2. To allow participating countries to recognize and report on the quality of progress in the implementation of their national protected area systems towards meeting CBD Aichi Target 11 commitments. Aims of the Green List of Protected Areas
IUCN Green List Initiative Jeju WCC – IUCN mandate Projectized to 2016 WPC Launch in 2014 GLI Development Group: Technical Business case Outreach
Aichi Target 11 ATTRIBUTE AND TARGET 11 REFERENCE PRINCIPLEDISCUSSION ON POSSIBLE ADAPTATION OF STANDARDS VALUES Representativity areas of particular importance for conservation of biodiversity ecologically representative areas of particular importance for …ecosystem services The area should be of importance for the conservation of biodiversity and/or other ecosystem services 1.BIODIVERSITY, CULTURAL HERITAGE AND ECOSYSTEM SERVICE VALUES ARE KNOWN: The biodiversity, cultural heritage and ecosystem service values of the protected area are clearly identified and documented (Method of verification: referenced description of biodiversity and ecosystem service values, Worksheet 1 and x, evaluator ); The area could also satisfy at least one of the following? a.KEY BIODIVERSITY AREA: The protected area overlaps with Key Biodiversity Areas, such as IBAs, AZEs etc. (Method of verification: GIS analysis, IUCN GIS Officer) b.IMPORTANT SITE FOR THE PROTECTION OF RARE & UNIQUE SPECIS (and/or ONE OR MORE IUCN RED-LIST SPECIES Vu or higher risk category) c.IMPORTANT SITE FOR THE PROTECTION OF ENDANGERED HABITAT and / or ECOSYSTEM INCLUDED IN THE IUCN RED LIST OF THREATENED ECOSYSTEMS d.CONSERVES ECOSYSTEM SERVICES: The protected area overlaps with important carbon storage, water provision or other ecosystem services, including cultural services. (Methods of verification: 1) GIS analysis and overlay with carbon storage maps, vulnerable coastlines, watersheds, floodplains, wetlands, areas of glaciations, IUCN GIS Officer; 2) referenced identification and assessment of ecosystem services, Worksheet 5, evaluator) e.CONSERVES CULTURAL HERITAGE… 1.CONDITION OF VALUES IS NOT SIGNIFICANTLY DEGRADED: The condition of the biodiversity, cultural heritage and ecosystem service values of the protected area, as defined under Standard 1, are assessed as Good or Low Concern (Method of verification: referenced assessment of the condition of biodiversity, cultural heritage and ecosystem service values, Worksheets, evaluator) CBD Aichi Target 11 By 2020, at least 17 per cent of terrestrial and inland water, and 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services, are conserved through effectively and equitably managed, ecologically representative and well connected systems of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures, and integrated into the wider landscapes and seascapes.
Partner Jurisdictions Colombia, Kenya South Korea, NSW, China Georgia, Italy, Micronesia, RSA Croatia, Andalucia, France Tiger Standards: Nepal, India, Bhutan, Malaysia
Other themes: World Heritage Candidate WHAs Conservation Outlook Potential: FSC NATURA 2000 Award Species (CA/RS?!) Biome (Blue Solutions)
Case Study: Colombia Pioneer Collaboration Evolving process Informing global initiative Ongoing learning
Case Study: China - Integration (IUCN, WCPA, WH) - National Partners (CNPA, UNESCO) - Government endorsement - Initial workshop success - Global Ecoforum event, July Project framework to 2016 Challenges: - Structure and guidance - PA Governance in China - Funding - Scale and credibility
Business Case and Benefits T.O.R. for an initial strategic business case study, needs GLI development group input
Technical Progress Green List Process Marc Hockings … Reference Group Global Standards National context Criteria and measures Candidate prospectus Assessment …
Green List Process
Outreach and Communications - IUCN / WCPA members involved - Policy linkages (Aichi 11) - Communication strategy - Products underway and planned - Logo design, branding, film - Growing leadership / ownership
Mobilizing WCPA Members - GLI to increase: Value Reach Impact of WCPA expertise - Membership drive - Capacity to deliver evaluation
Financing the GLI Korea NPS budget Other restricted amounts Partner contribution Need overall project fund Project proposal live Support welcome!
Key Issues who needs to join GLI? momentum vs funds advance business case positioning / Policy pilot phase partnerships capturing lessons scaling-up beyond WPC
Next Steps - discussion 6.30 pm tonight! IUCN/WCPA Task Force? Business Case TOR Finalise GLI portfolio Compile technical dossier Orientation meeting, Seoul Momentum, engage partners Event platforms to WPC Fundraising