Week 1 Vocabulary prefixes part 1
Anti- Against Examples: The antidote cancelled out the snake venom. Antifreeze Antibiotic The antidote cancelled out the snake venom.
De- Opposite Examples: Defrost Derail Demotivate I defrosted my windows to get the snow off of my windshield
Inter- Between Example: Interact Internet Interplanet travel between us and Mars is more of a reality every day.
mid- Middle Example: Midfield Midsummer Midsection You have a midterm that only happens halfway through the year. Finals happen at the end of the year.
Mis- Wrongly Example Misfire Misdirect Misunderstand Misogyny She made a mistake when she challenged garbage cat to a foot race, because he misinterpreted that as a garbage fight.
Non- Not Example: Nondirect Nonsense Nonprofit Eating Elmer's glue won’t make you sick because it is non-toxic and safe for children.
Pre- Before Example: A prefix is a word part before the word root. Preheat Predict Preview A prefix is a word part before the word root.
Re- Again Example: Restart Reapply Reuse The spice girls reform every five years or so for a reunion tour.
Semi- Half Example: Semicircle Semiconscious Semiskilled
Trans- Across Example: Transaction Transplant Transatlantic I need to transfer funds from my checking account across to my savings account