“Quotation Marks”
Place quotation marks ________ and ________ a direct quotation. The coach asked, “Will you be at practice?” “I’m afraid,” the officer said, “you were speeding.” “Which dog is yours?” the woman inquired.
A __________ separates the speaker from what is being said. The coach asked, “Will you be at practice?”
If a quotation is interrupted by the name of the speaker, the second part of the quotation begins with a ____________ letter if it is a continuation of the first part. “I’m afraid,” the officer said, “you were speeding.”
__________ and __________ always go inside final quotation marks. “I found an oyster shell,” Doris announced. Jay said, “We should practice our skit.”
The location of __________ _______ and __________ _______ can vary The location of __________ _______ and __________ _______ can vary. Place them ________ the final quotation marks if they are part of the quotation. Place them ________ if they are part of the complete sentence but not part of the quotation. (Inside) I asked, “When will we get there?” (Outside) Did you say, “Let’s go to the mall tonight”?
When punctuating dialogue, start a new __________ each time the speaker changes. If a speaker says two or more sentences without interruption, put quotation marks at the __________ of the first sentence and at the _____ of the last line. “I can hardly wait to see the Grand Canyon!” Mary exclaimed. “I hear it is beautiful.” Her mother explained, “It looks like the postcards you see. The colors are so vibrant. I think the Grand Canyon is nature’s greatest oil paining!”