Part 2 Robust Vocabulary Lesson The Diary of Anne Frank Part 2 Robust Vocabulary Lesson
obligation (p. 504) In the story, Mrs. Frank declares to Mrs. Van Daan, “If my husband had any obligation to you, he’s paid it, over and over.”
obligation When you have a responsibility to do something for someone, usually after they have done something for you. I had an obligation to my friend after she paid my way into the movie theatre when I forgot my money.
obligation Which would be an obligation? Inviting a friend over to your house who has invited you to his house many times. Shoveling the driveway for your family. Calling to check on a friend who didn’t come to school today.
bewildered (p. 506) In the play, Mr. Van Daan, sitting on the couch, suddenly breaks into a convulsive sob. Everyone looks bewildered and confused.
bewildered Describes someone who is completely confused and puzzled. The child looked bewildered when the teacher tried to explain the directions; he just didn’t understand.
bewildered If this would cause you to be bewildered, say “bewildered.” If not, don’t say anything. Discovering the principal making a snowman in front of the school on Monday morning. Watching a woman filling her car with gas at Casey’s. Ordering from a menu that is written in French.
liberate (p. 506) In the play, Mr. Frank is both relieved and excited by Miep’s news that they might soon be liberated by American allies; then they would no longer have to hide in the annex.
liberate When someone or something that is not free is given freedom. Both students and teachers feel liberated when winter is over, and they can enjoy the warm spring weather.
liberate Which requires liberation: A tiger in the zoo or a baby in a stroller? A dog on a leash or a coal miner trapped underground? A slave or an inmate at a prison?
remorse (p. 507) In the play, Mrs. Frank cries with remorse for treating Anne and the others badly.
remorse A feeling of guilt someone has after doing something wrong. Sam was filled with remorse after she lied to her mother about mailing the party invitations. Now the guests might not receive them on time, and her mother would be disappointed.
remorse Complete these sentences: The child was filled with remorse after he______________. She felt remorse when she looked at the cookies because____________.
pandemonium (p. 506) In the play, there was pandemonium when Peter, Margot, and Anne were running around, dancing and being noisy in the room.
pandemonium When there is lots of noise and chaos going on, there is pandemonium. When we have an early dismissal because of the weather, there is pandemonium in the hallways and the parking lot.
pandemonium If this is an example of a place where pandemonium happens, say" pandemonium.” If not, don’t say anything. The school lunch room The junior high library A church service
Stealthily (p. 502) In the story, Mr. Van Daan walked stealthily down the stairs so he wouldn’t be noticed.
stealthily Stealthily means moving in a quiet or secretive way. My cat moved stealthily towards a bird in the yard.
stealthily Why might these people move stealthily? Clown Custodian Football player Police officer
frenzy (p. 502) Mrs. Frank was in a frenzy of indignation when Mr. Van Daan was caught stealing the bread. All of her self-control was gone.
frenzy A frenzy is wild behavior that results from losing control of your feelings. In a frenzy, he screamed at his computer when it froze up for the third time.
frenzy remorse liberate Write the word that goes with each sentence and tell why. I felt guilty because I didn’t do what I was asked to do by my parents. The soldiers will free the captives as soon as they take the village from the enemy. The man was stabbed in a wild attack by the angry mob.
invasion (p. 502) In the play, Anne writes that invasion fever is mounting every day; everyone seems to talk of nothing else.
invasion If there is an invasion of a country, a foreign army enters it by force. We are studying the invasion of Britain by the ancient Romans.
bewildered invasion stealthily Write the word that goes with each sentence and tell why. Some shoppers looked confused by all the variety of goods. Slowly and quietly, someone was creeping up the stairs. We had an army of ants in the kitchen, so we sprayed insecticide.
inarticulate (p. 492) Peter is so furious at Dussel he is inarticulate and unable to speak.
inarticulate If someone is inarticulate, they are speechless and unable to express themselves. Amy was so surprised at the cold water when she jumped into the pool, she could only make an inarticulate yelp.
inarticulate What problems might occur if the following people were inarticulate? A singer A teacher A chef A coach
foreboding (p. 493) Margot asked with sudden foreboding, “What’s happened? Something’s happened! Hasn’t it, Mr. Kraler?”
foreboding A feeling something bad is going to happen. I felt a sense of foreboding when I saw the smoke coming out of the back of my car; I knew it would be an expensive problem!
foreboding If you would experience feelings of foreboding, say “foreboding.” Otherwise don’t say anything. Entering a haunted house Walking downstairs into a lighted basement Opening a can of soup Getting into a car driven by someone who has been drinking
Try this… 1. Think of a time you were inarticulate, bewildered, or in a frenzy. Write about what happened to make you feel that way. 2. When have you felt a sense of obligation or remorse? Write a paragraph describing the situation.
Take 3! Develop descriptions of: three things you would need for a successful invasion three things that would cause pandemonium three situations in which it would be important to move stealthily three situations from which people or animals might desire liberation