Eva Royo Gelabert Project Manager Marine assessments Breakout session EEA-led EMMA workshop on “Ecological processes/biological elements” Day 2: 21 November 2006 Eva Royo Gelabert Project Manager Marine assessments
Background documents Many documents provided for workshop Most of them are for reference and further reading Main working documents for Day 2 are: “Indicator” package: EMMA WS2/3, 4 & 5 “Monitoring” package: EMMA WS2/6
Groups Group 1 “HELCOM/UNEP-MAP” To Fontana room(4th floor) Group 2 “OSPAR/ICES” Stay here! See lists provided for Group “affiliation”
Themes/Quality elements (1/2) Group 1 HELCOM/UNEP-MAP Tables EEA-led EMMAWS2/4 Some overlaps (faster discussion) Biology B5, B6 and B7 (habitats) C8, C9 and C14 (species) Chlorophyll Ecology D1 (eutrophication) Nutrients/ Pressures & impacts I1, I2, I3, I4 and I5 (physico-chemical/organic) Nutrients
Themes/Quality elements (2/2) Group 2 OSPAR/ICES Tables EEA-led EMMAWS2/4 Some overlaps (faster discussion) Biology B5, B6 and B7 (habitats) C10, C11, C12 and C13 (species) Fish and invasive aliens Ecology D1 (eutrophication) Nutrients Pressures & impacts E1, E2, F1, F2, F3, G1 and G2 (physical) I1 (physico-chemical/organic) J1, J2 and J3 (biological)
Process (1/2) “Gap possibilities” need to be verified: “Indicator” document EEA-led EMMAWS2/4 Table by table as allocated to Group “Gap analysis” (in existing regional indicators vis-a-vis what should be assessed under the MSD “initial assessment”) Verification of the indicators/datas sets included on the table “Gap possibilities” need to be verified: Looking at the “Monitoring” table EEA-led EMMAWS2/6 Asking participants (elements may not be assessed at the regional level, but national monitoring may exist)
Process (2/2) When we have an actual entry on the table (not a gap), we need to check: Coverage” (how many seas?) What is it?: Established indicator, indicator under development, or dataset (or project) Implications for further development Recommendations to EMMA & EEA on “next steps” (e.g. detailed comparison) Limitations!! (e.g. consistency, incomplete monitoring table), but we are starting the process