AP Literature and Composition October 14, 2011 Mr. Houghteling “IT’s a flexible Friday, and because it’s Friday, you know what that means…!” AP Literature and Composition
“It’s great to be alive!”
Analytical Paraphrase— Questions / Outline for the Synthesis Essay AGENDA Analytical Paraphrase— Share out! Questions / Outline for the Synthesis Essay Getting ready for The Awakening.
The Synthesis Essay Our next assignment is to respond to a claim that addresses some of the issues we’ve been discussing using gender criticism. Your argument is primary! But you must use or refer to at least three (3) sources while you make your argument.
Works we’ve studied… “The Rose of the World” from The Angel in the House “Professions for Women” “Siren Song” “Being a Man” “Men’s Television…” “Free Agents” http://www.nbc.com/free-agents/video/what-i- did-for-work/1357204/
More practice Choose one quote each from “Siren Song” and “Professions for Women.” Perform an extensive analytical paraphrase on those quotes. Suggestions from “Siren Song”: “Shall I tell you the secret…” (lines 10-12) “I don’t enjoy singing…” (lines 17-18)
More practice Choose one quote each from “Siren Song” and “Professions for Women.” Perform an extensive analytical paraphrase on those quotes. Suggestions from “Professions for Women”: Anything from paragraph 3 (killing the Angel) Anything from paragraph 5 (condemning the freedom of women)
Analytical Paraphrase: practice 1. “The nine-year-old coquette proceeds to become womanish in a subtle power game in which she learns to be sexually indispensable, socially decorative and always alert to a man’s sense of inadequacy” (3).
1. When Theroux describes a girl’s training to be a coquette, it leads to this womanly ideal: “sexually indispensable, socially decorative, and always alert to a man’s sense of inadequacy” (paragraph 3). Theroux seems to be condemning women and how men treat them; otherwise, a woman would not strive to be only a “decoration.” Women serve only as things for which to pay attention, not with which to develop strong relationships.
Analytical Paraphrase: practice 2.“Just as high school basketball teaches you how to be a poor loser, the manly attitude towards sports seems to be little more than a recipe for creating bad marriages, social misfits, moral degenerates, sadists, latent rapists and just plain louts” (6).
2. With Theroux’s use of damaging, incendiary language—“bad marriages, social misfits, moral degenerates, sadists, latent rapists, and just plain louts”—he condemns sports stars who use cruelty as fun, behave badly in public, and lead morally depraved lives (paragraph 6). Theroux indicates that the cause of this condition is the “manly attitude toward sports,” one that celebrates power and humiliates and persecutes the weak.
Analytical Paraphrase: practice 3. “But indeed all the creative arts are obnoxious to the manly ideal, because at their best the arts are pursued by uncompetitive and essentially solitary people. It makes it very hard for a creative youngster, for any boy who expresses the desire to be alone seems to be saying that there is something wrong with him” (7).
Analytical Paraphrase—MODEL While Theroux’s argument does hold true that many artists are “solitary people” (7), he seems to forget the innumerable actors, dance troupe members, and singing groups—just to name a few—who function creatively as a team.
Analytical Paraphrase—MODEL This collective, however, may also be “obnoxious to the manly ideal,” but at least these artists are not functioning alone. It seems that Theroux may be projecting his personal experience and subsequent malaise upon thousands of people who just want to perform their arts in a way contrary to his own.
“Men’s Television Protects Itself from the Female Threat” 1. In one sentence, summarize the author’s primary argument. 2. Analyze in depth the following quote: “The Washington Post’s Hank Stuever nicely articulated the problem, noting that this [television] season ‘It’s all bunnies, baby dolls and broads—and bridezillas and bimbos, if you get into reality TV. It’s still giggles and jiggles.’” (2)
“Men’s Television Protects Itself from the Female Threat” 3. In paragraph 6, the author writes, “The men of this world have been feminized.” Using the text for support, discuss some of the causes and effects of this feminization. 4. In paragraph 12, why does the author cite the works of Christina Hoff Sommers, Kathleen Parker, and Dennis Neder? Explain your answer. 5. According to the author, who are the real victims of the United States’ sluggish economy of late?
Homework Make a claim about one of the prompts. Prepare an outline or quote pull chart to help formulate your ideas prior to writing your synthesis essay. Bring in $2 to get your very own copy of The Awakening by Kate Chopin.