The Cross Centered Life
Chapter 1. Restating the obvious 2. What's your life centred on 3. Breaking the rules of legalism 4. Unloading condemnation 5. What you feel vs what is real 6. The cross centred day 7. Never move on
Song: In Christ Alone
How to make your day cross centered. 1. Memorise the gospel 2. Pray the gospel 3. Sing the gospel 4. Review how the gospel has changed you 5. Study the gospel 6. Meditate on the gospel
If the bird leaves her nest for a long space, the eggs chill and are not fit for production; but where there is a constant incubation, then they bring forth: so when we leave religious duties for a long space, our affections chill, and grow cold; and are not fit to produce holiness, and comfort to our souls. William Bates
There are many truths swim in the brain, which do not sink into the heart, and those do us no good. Chew the cud. Let a Christian think seriously with himself, there is a blessedness feasible and I am capable of enjoying it, if I do not lay bars in the way and block up my own happiness. Though I see within nothing but guilt, and without nothing but curses, yet there is a blessedness to be had, and to be had for me too in the use of means.
Gospel Meditation
Song: May the mind of Christ my Saviour
Maunday Thursday Communion Service: Never Move On Next Week Maunday Thursday Communion Service: Never Move On