Agenda (for me) Film Clip Friday Vocab Quiz Unit 8


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda (for me) Film Clip Friday Vocab Quiz Unit 8 Intro to Noodle Tools – w/Mrs. Ford HW: Read the short story options and determine which one you will focus on.

Reminders – 10-19-18 Vocab Quiz Unit 8 TODAY! Keep up with your reading schedule Intro to Noodle Tools today! HW: Start reading short story options for research paper. Select one by Monday! ATSS Chaps. 4-9 – due Monday – Quiz over Chaps. 1-9 and background will be Monday!

Film Clip Friday Opening Scenes: Think about opening scenes in films you’ve watched recently. What do opening scenes in film do? Consider the following elements as part of an opening scene: Compelling hook Protagonist’s perspective Has it’s own arc, but also leaves us with questions May contain/suggest the end As you watch the opening scene, consider the elements mentioned and see what you can learn from PART of the opening scene of the film. Now, turn to the first page of ATSS. Re-read the opening paragraphs. What does Hosseini do in his opening words? Similarities? Differences?

Vocab Quiz Unit 8