My Bucket List By Jaaron White
1) Raise a beautiful family with three kids
2) Go to the Super Bowl
3) Go to the Pyramid of Giza
4) Visit Tokyo
5) Skydive
6)Learn to speak fluent Japanese
7) Go Way Disciple for my ministry
8) Read the Bible in one year
9) Be in a movie
10) Get a PH.D in Information Technology
11) Learn karate and become a black belt
12) Run a marathon
13) Go to a Linkin Park Concert
14) Meet an actor/actress
15) Own a Lamborghini Gallardo
16) Make and save a billion dollars
17) Go to the Great Wall of China
18) Meet the president of the U.S.
19) Hold a world record
20) Save someones life
21) Host a really extravagant party
22) Go scuba diving in the Marinara Trench
23) Fly an airplane
24) Make a famous speech
25) Do a back flip