HUMAN BEINGS ARE... Vertebrates: We’ve got a backbone and a skeleton.
HUMAN BEINGS ARE... Viviparous: We are born from our mothers.
HUMAN BEINGS ARE... Mammals: Babies feed on their mum’s milk.
HUMAN BEINGS ARE... Omnivores:We eat plants and other animals.
Human beings are born after nine moths of gestation Human beings are born after nine moths of gestation. Then we grow and develop through different stages of life. Do you know which are these stages?
Stages of life Childhood: 0-12 years of life. Adolescence: 12-20 years of life. Adulthood: 20-70 years of life. Old age: +70 years of life.
Vital functions Nutrition: we need food, water and oxygen to live. Interaction: we respond to the world around us. Reproduction: we have babies. To carry out these functions, we have organs in our body, grouped together in BODY SYSTEMS.
Which body systems take part in nutrition? Digestive system: It helps our bodies absorb the nutrients in food, and get rid of solid waste. Respiratory system: It helps our bodies absorb oxygen from the air. Circulatory system: It helps move blood around the body. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients around our bodies, and carries away waste substances. Excretory system: It expels waste substances from the blood.
Which body systems take part in interaction? Locomotor system: It helps us move. The five senses: they capture information from the environment. Nervous system: It interprets the information received from the five senses.
Which body systems take part in reproduction? Reproductive system: It helps us have babies.
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. When you finish eating lunch and you go to the playground with your friends.... What happens after you eat food?
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM -The digestive system breaks down the food we eat. -Here the nutrients from food are turned into substances our bodies can absorb.
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. 1. MOUTH 2. OESOPHAGUS The teeth chew the food. The tongue mixes the food with saliva. 2. OESOPHAGUS The chewed food goes down the oesophagus.
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. 4. INTESTINES. 3. STOMACH 5. ANUS Small intestine: nutrients pass into the blood. It mixes the chewed food with gastric juices. Large intestine: It forms solid waste . 5. ANUS The solid waste is expelled.
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. LIVER PANCREAS They produce the gastric juices needed to break down the food.
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM It absorbs oxygen from the air. It expels carbon dioxide. Video 1 Video 2
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. 2. WINDPIPE. 1. NOSE 3. LUNGS. The nose cleans and heats the air. The air goes down and goes into the lungs through the bronchi. 3. LUNGS. The oxygen of the air passes into the blood.
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM It moves blood around the body. The blood carries oxygen and nutrients. The blood carries away waste substances. Video
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. 2. BLOOD VESSELS. 1. HEART. The heart pumps the blood.
EXCRETORY SYSTEM. It eliminates waste products in the blood. They are excreted as urine or sweat. Vídeo
LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM It makes our body move. 1. MUSCLES 3. BONES 2. JOINTS
It interprets the information received from the five senses NERVOUS SYSTEM It interprets the information received from the five senses 1. BRAIN 2. NERVES 3. SPINAL CORD
REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM It allows us to have babies. Men and women have different reproductive systems: *The male reproductive organs are mainly outside the body. *The female reproductive organs are mainly inside the body.