Sustained HIV infection with CXCR4-tropic NL4-3 in MISTRG and MITRG mice. Sustained HIV infection with CXCR4-tropic NL4-3 in MISTRG and MITRG mice. Analogously to YU-2 infection, mice were infected with 200,000 TCID50 of NL4-3. (A) HIV RNA copy numbers were measured in the plasma in MISTRG mice (HIV+ = red circles) and MITRG mice (HIV+ = blue squares). (B) Percentages of CD3+ cells in uninfected as well as in HIV-infected MISTRG and MITRG mice (HIV+ MISTRG mice = red circles; HIV− MISTRG mice = gray circles; HIV+ MITRG mice = blue squares; HIV− MITRG mice = gray squares). (C and D) Spearman correlation between the percentages of CD4+CD38+HLA-DR+ cells (C) and CD8+CD38+HLA-DR+ cells (D) (of hCD45+ cells) and HIV RNA copies per milliliter in plasma at 4 wk p.i. (E) Distribution of different cell types in the spleen at euthanasia for uninfected mice (MISTRG, n = 3; MITRG, n = 9) and infected mice (MISTRG, n = 8; MITRG, n = 3) at 12 and 20 wk p.i. (F) Frequencies of activated CD8+ T cells of hCD45+ cells in spleen. All data are mean ± SEM. Statistical differences between groups at different times were calculated by the two-tailed Mann–Whitney U test (A and B) and the Kruskal–Wallis test with the Dunn multiple-comparison test (E and F). *p < 0.05. Sandra Ivic et al. ImmunoHorizons 2017;1:162-175 Copyright © 2017 The Authors