FISCAL TRANSPARENCY COMMITMENTS IN OGP’S NATIONAL ACTION PLANS WORKSHOP Third National Plan of Action, Ministry of Public Finance of Guatemala Carlos A. Mendoza, Director of Fiscal Evaluation
first workshop on fiscal transparency (June 15, 2016) For consideration of the participants of civil society and government agencies
Institutionalizing of the Open Budget practices Each ministry presenting publicly its own budget requirements for next year and consulting with civil society experts
Inclusion of the following annexes in the forthcoming Budget Proposal of the Executive Branch to Congress for the year 2017 Open Government principles Efficiency and fiscal transparency principles and norms Fiscal risks awareness
Revision and upgrading of MOF’s Fiscal Transparency website Users friendly and for the general population
Revision and upgrading of MOF’s Citizen’s Budget Document Popular version of the annual budget approved by Congress
Creation of Users Committee In order to provide, in advance, useful information in compliance with open data standards and free access of public information
Institutionalizing Fiscal Transparency policies and objectives within the MOF It will also include strengthening capabilities of DEF regarding fiscal risk evaluation, especially environmental risks due to climate change
Second national plan of action 2014-2016 Self assessment (May 2016)